Somehow I could not figure this out. I have tried several solutions available online, but none of them worked.

Here is the issue. I have some wide images that I wanted to stack on top of each other. The height does not matter, but I want it to have a fixed width. For some reason, the images are being cropped.

I want it to look like this. For example, if you change .meat's height to 10px, it will resize but will maintain its ratio.


This is the image code:

  {items.map((item, index) =>
    <View key={index}>
      <View style={styles.imageWrapper}>
        { item.image_url_large && <Image style={styles.image} resizeMode='cover' source={{ uri: item.image_url_large }} /> }

It is mapping over an array of several images.

I have tried:

a simple

const styles = { image: { height: 100 }, };

I tried following the same pattern on the fiddle, by giving it fixed height and width according to this SO post

const styles = {
  imageWrapper: {
    height: 50,
    width: 400
  image: {
    height: '100%'

But it still crops the top bun and tomato


I have tried some solutions described on this GH discussion but they don't seem to work.

How can I automatically resize the image from web to fixed width without it being cropped?

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1 Answers1


use resizeMode='contain' instead of cover and specify the width and height.

   source={{ uri: display_image_small }}