This question took me one day to debug it, but still no luck.

Problem: this.gridOptions.data = this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo ; **this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo ** is still a empty array. Before this line of code executes, I have call activate() function to assign array to **this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo **. Please see this line this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo = templateReorderProperties;

P.S. Although I cannot get the value of allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo in controller, but I can get the value of it in html.

namespace app.admin {
'use strict';

class FooController {
    static $inject: Array<string> = [];

    constructor() {

    activate() {

        this.classificationFoo = this.data[0];

        this.getTemplateFromGivenRepo(this.classificationFoo.id, this.classificationFoo.displayName);


    data: any;

    classificationFoo: any;

    allDataFromclassificationFoo: any = [];

    // demo grid
    gridOptions = {
        enableFiltering: true,
        data: []

    populateData() {
            this.gridOptions.data = this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo ;

    getData() {
        this.data = this.fooService.userdata;

    getTemplateFromGivenRepo(fooId: string, fooName: string) {
        switch (fooId) {
            case 'FOO':
                this.TemplateApi.templatesAvaiableForRepoIdGET(fooId).then(data => {
                    data.forEach(element => {
                       element.fooName = fooName;

                    let templateReorderProperties = data

                    this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo = templateReorderProperties;
                }, error => {



class Bar implements ng.IDirective {
    static $inject: Array<string> = [];

    constructor() {

    bindToController: boolean = true;
    controller = FooController;
    controllerAs: string = 'vm';
    templateUrl: string = 'app/foo.html';

    static instance(): ng.IDirective {
        return new Bar();

    .directive('bar', Bar.instance);


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  • I suspect that the `this` in the function where `this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo` is written is a different `this` than you expect it to be. (@see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36489579/this-within-es6-class-method) – birdspider Sep 14 '17 at 16:40
  • @birdspider Any solution for me? I have no idea how to fix it and I tried my best – FullStackDeveloper Sep 14 '17 at 16:43
  • To test the theory about 'this' try just above you switch (1st line of method) and write `let _this = this` and when you assign the array do `_this. allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo = templateReorderProperties` – cYrixmorten Sep 14 '17 at 16:50
  • Notice the underscore :) want you to save and use the this instance of the outer scope – cYrixmorten Sep 14 '17 at 16:54
  • @cYrixmorten I did what you said, but still cannot work. – FullStackDeveloper Sep 14 '17 at 17:08

2 Answers2


getTemplateFromGivenRepo is async operation.

Move this.populateGridData(); call inside getTemplateFromGivenRepo after

this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo = templateReorderProperties;

getTemplateFromGivenRepo(repoId: string, repoName: string) {
            switch (repoId) {
                case 'CLASSIFICATION':
                    this.TemplateApi.templatesAvaiableForRepoIdGET(repoId).then(data => {

                        this.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo = templateReorderProperties;
                        this.populateGridData(); // call here
                    }, error => {



You can return promise from getTemplateFromGivenRepo and in then able success callback,call this.populateGridData();

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I think the problem is in this instance that different inside Promise resolve.

Try to write in beginning something like:

var self = this;

and after that change all this to self key.


self.gridOptions.data = self.allTemplatesFromClassificationRepo;

// and so on ...

By this way you will guarantee that you use same scope instance

Hope it will work

Maxim Shoustin
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