How do you manually assign a boolean value to every array positions in just one code line?

Look the code fragment below. I don't wanna manually put a[0]=true; a[1]=true; a[2]=false; ...

public class stackArray {

   static boolean [] a = new boolean [6];

   public static void main(String[] args) {


      for(int i=0; i<6; i++){


I'm really looking something similar to

a= {true, true, false, false, false, false};

but unfortunately it doesn't works :(

Can anybody help me? I googled it but I couldn't find this particular case. Thank you in advance!

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    `static boolean [] a = new boolean [6]{true, true, false, false, false, false};` should work. Check top answer to [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200621/how-do-i-declare-and-initialize-an-array-in-java). – AntonH Sep 11 '17 at 15:29
  • @AntonH That will not compile. You probably meant `static boolean[] a = { true, true, false, false, false, false };`. – VGR Sep 11 '17 at 16:27
  • @VGR You're right that it won't compile, but just removing the `6` is enough to make it compile. I didn't test before posting, which is my mistake. Maybe not necessary, but close to OP's original code. – AntonH Sep 11 '17 at 16:36

3 Answers3


use the fill method in the Arrays helper class

boolean[] a = new boolean[6];
Arrays.fill(a, true);
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If the array reference is not shared in some other variable then you can just reassign to a new array:

a = new boolean[] {true, .. };

Otherwise if you really want it in one line while keeping the array the same you can do

System.arrayCopy(new boolean[] { true, ... }, 0, a, 0, a.length };

but it doesn't look like better.

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You can do it like this:

boolean [] a = new boolean []{false, false, true};
Julio Daniel Reyes
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