
For some reason the size of my array is invalid and I am not sure how I should change NextIndex to fix this. The size should be dynamic and changing NextIndex to 1 doesn't help it.

 * Code for E7.9
 * @Michael Goedken

public class DataSet
   // Implmentation

int nextIndex = 0;

 double[] list = new double[1];

 public static void main (String args[])
      DataSet data = new DataSet(5);

      System.out.println("Sum: " + data.getSum());
      System.out.println("Expected: 19.3");
      System.out.println("Average: " + data.getAverage());
      System.out.println("Expected: 4.825");
      System.out.println("Maximum: " + data.getMaximum());
      System.out.println("Expected: 15.2");
      System.out.println("Minimum: " + data.getMinimum());
      System.out.println("Expected: -7.3");

Constructs an empty data set. @param maximumNumberOfValues the maximum this data set can hold

   public DataSet(int maximumNumberOfValues)
       double[] list = {maximumNumberOfValues};


Adds a data value to the data set if there is room in the array. @param value a data value

   public void add(double value)

       list[nextIndex] = value;


Gets the sum of the added data. @return sum of the data or 0 if no data has been added

   public double getSum()
      double sum = 0;

  for (double i : list)
        sum += i;

  return sum;

Gets the average of the added data. @return average of the data or 0 if no data has been added

   public double getAverage()
       double sum = 0;
       double avg = 0;

          for (double i = 0;i<list.length;i++)
              sum += i;

          avg = sum/list.length;

          return avg;

Gets the maximum value entered. @return maximum value of the data NOTE: returns -Double.MAX_VALUE if no values are entered.

   public double getMaximum()
      double max = list[0];

  for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++)
      if (list[i] > max)
          max = list[i];

  return max;


Gets the minimum value entered. @return minimum value of the data NOTE: returns Double.MAX_VALUE if no values are entered.

   public double getMinimum()
       double min = list[0];

      for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++)
          if (list[i] < min)
              min = list[i];

      return min;
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4 Answers4

public DataSet(int maximumNumberOfValues) {
  double[] list = {maximumNumberOfValues}; 

Here, list s a local variable declaration (and only has one element), which has nothing to do with the member variable of the same name.

Also this expression {maximumNumberOfValues} actually means "create an array with a single element with value maximumNumberOfValues"

Assign a value to the member variable instead, where that value is a new array with the desired number of elements:

list = new double[maximumNumberOfValues];
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Andy Turner
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int nextIndex = 0;

double[] list = new double[1];


int nextIndex = 0;

double[] list;

Change your constructor from

public DataSet(int maximumNumberOfValues)
    double[] list = {maximumNumberOfValues};


public DataSet(int maximumNumberOfValues)
    list = new double[maximumNumberOfValues];     
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double[] list = {maximumNumberOfValues}; That's not how you create and allocate array in Java with the size of maximumNumberOfValues.

You should allocate it like this: double[] list = new double[maximumNumberOfValues];

Update: Also, double[] list = {maximumNumberOfValues}; should be declared like this in the constructor: list = new double[maximumNumberOfValues], otherwise you are declaring a local variable. You should declare list as private outside of your constructor.

Ervin Szilagyi
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I am not quite sure what your problem is.

int nextIndex = 0;

double[] list = new double[1];

I might be wrong... but your array is always the size of 1. And as Ervin Szaligyi said -> you have to create the array differently

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