I'm trying to make a simple program that can read data from a file (inventory.txt) into a structure and then output that structure to the user. Every time I run the program, if the part of the file that would be a string (with spaces) has anything on it, the rest of the data gets omitted. This is my code so far;

# include <fstream>
# include <iostream>
# include <string>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct inven

    int part,quant;
    string descript;
    float price;

int main()
    cout << setprecision (2) << fixed;
    inven inventory[100];
    ifstream filein;
    ofstream fileout;
    filein.open ("inventory.txt");

    if (filein.good())
             for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                filein >> inventory[i].part;
                getline (filein, inventory[i].descript);
                filein >> inventory[i].quant;
                filein >> inventory[i].price;
            fileout.open ("inventory.txt", ios::trunc);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                cout << "Part Number: " << inventory[i].part << endl;
                cout << "Quantity: " << inventory[i].quant << endl;
                cout << "Description: " << inventory[i].descript << endl;
                cout << "Price per item: $" << inventory[i].price << endl;
                cout << "Total price: $" << inventory[i].quant * inventory[i].price << endl << endl << endl;
                if (inventory[i+1].part == 0)

return 0;

My text file currently looks like;


The above text file is really just a sample file, the finished product should be able to handle 100 different products.

Thanks in advance.

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