I have table of customers and the selected customer is stored in the ViewState. The problem is that all rows re-render when the selection changes which is quite slow. Ideally only the selected row and the row previously selected would re-render, but I did not find out how to achieve this. My structure is identical to the example in the MobX contact list example:

{this.filteredCustomers.map(customer => {
   return (


const CustomerRow = observer((props: CustomerRowProps) => {
   const isSelected = props.viewState.isCustomerSelected(props.customer)
   const rowClass = isSelected ? 'active' : ''

   return (
     <tr className={rowClass}>

All rows depend on the value of ViewState.selectedCustomer through the isCustomerSelected method.

Is there another way to structure this that avoids re-rendering all rows?

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  • Can you upload `CustomerRow` render as well ? – An Nguyen Aug 26 '17 at 11:29
  • It's hard to say without seeing both components in their entirety, but I recreated an example, and [**it works for me**](http://jsbin.com/qapilekina/edit?js,output). – Tholle Aug 26 '17 at 11:50
  • @Tholle: the "trick" in your case is that you put the selection information into each row with the `active` flag, so that the row only depends on the object and not on the view state. Is that a general pattern? – jpfollenius Aug 26 '17 at 12:29
  • Yeah, it's a common pattern. It is e.g. used in the [**introduction to MobX**](https://youtu.be/K8dr8BMU7-8?t=7m11s) by Weststrate, the creator of MobX. But it was not be the best example by me, since you might not want to add extra fields to the data just for the view. – Tholle Aug 26 '17 at 12:37
  • have you tried `PureComponent` instead of regular `Component`? https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/react-api.html#react.purecomponent – Sagiv b.g Aug 29 '17 at 20:44

2 Answers2


You can use shouldComponentUpdate to deside wheather component updates or not.

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    No, that's what I am using mobx for. Or are there cases where one has to combine mobx and shouldComponentUpdate? – jpfollenius Aug 30 '17 at 05:28
  • If using one of them is not working for you I think you need to combine them. – bennygenel Aug 30 '17 at 06:24
  • It is worth noting that marking a component with @observer will remove the need to implement shouldComponentUpdate in that component, in fact it will give you a warning "Use `shouldComponentUpdate` in an `observer` based component breaks the behavior of `observer` and might lead to unexpected results. Manually implementing `sCU` should not be needed when using mobx-react" – Saif Asad Mar 13 '19 at 03:38

The reason why all the rows are re-rendered is because props.viewState.isCustomerSelected(props.customer) has to be re-evaluated for each observer component when the used observable change.

One way to get around this is to use a map so that every entry will have a potential checked field of their own, so that only the selected and deselected components have to re-render.

Example (JSBin)

class AppState {
  @observable todos = [
      id: '1',
      title: 'Do something'
      id: '2',
      title: 'Do something else'
      id: '3',
      title: 'Do a third thing'


var appState = new AppState();

class Todos extends React.Component {
  checked = observable.map({});

  changeTodo = (todo) => {
    this.checked.set(todo.id, true);

  render() {
    return <div>
        { this.props.appState.todos.map((todo) =>
            onChange={() => this.changeTodo(todo)} />
        ) }
      <DevTools />

class Todo extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { todo, checked, onChange } = this.props;
    const isChecked = checked.get(todo.id);
    return <li>
        onChange={onChange} />
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