I have a shopping cart, when I agree an item its ok, But more try to add the same article but with another size, it overwrites the one that is already.

I try anything but, I can't fix this problem.

this part

/* Update item session array with newly added items - items that already exist in the basket will be overwritten */

$_SESSION["items"][$added_item['item_id']] = $added_item;

is the array where overwritte the items.


/* If session is not started, start session */
require_once("database.php");  // request database connection with its objects

if(isset($_POST["item_id"]) && isset($_POST['item_qty'])){
    /* Get $_POST data and place it in array */

    /* Fetch all items from database that matches $_POST['item_id']
        Limit 1 at the end so only one item is fetched. */
    $items = $database->find_by_query("SELECT * FROM shopping_items WHERE item_id='{$added_item["item_id"]}' LIMIT 1");

    /* Foreach item -> Remaining data about items fetched from database */
    foreach($items as $item){
        $added_item["item_name"] = $item['item_name'];
        $added_item["item_price"] = $item['item_price'];
        $added_item["item_image"] = $item['item_image'];

        /* Update item session array with newly added items - items that already exist in the basket will be overwritten */
        $_SESSION["items"][$added_item['item_id']] = $added_item;


    /* Calculate number of items in cart and output it in json format */

/* Display aded products in the shopping cart */

    /* If item session is already set and if there are any items added to the session */
    if(isset($_SESSION["items"]) && count($_SESSION["items"])>0){
        <table class='table'> <!--Start table that will holds all data in the shopping cart -->
        $total=0; // define total so the script won't throw silly error of a type 'Undefined variable: total in....'

        /* Loop through item session array and display data */
        foreach($_SESSION["items"] as $item){
            <tr class='itemInCardRow'>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <img class='img-responsive item_disp_image' style='max-width:80px; float:left;' src="images/<?php echo $item["item_image"]; ?>">

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo $item["item_name"] .", size ". $item["item_size"]; ?>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href='#' class='subtruct_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">-</a>
                        <?php echo "<span class='quantity'>Cantidad ".$item["item_qty"]."</span>"; ?>
                    <a href='#' class='add_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">+</a>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo "$".sprintf("%.3f", ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"])); ?>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href="#" class="remove_item_from_cart" item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">x</a>

            /* Calculate Total */
            $total += ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"]);
            }  // Close foreach loop
            <!-- This part displays Checkout button and price total -->
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay' colspan='4'>
                        <a href='checkOut.php' title="Review Cart and Check-Out"><button type="button" class="btn checkoutButton">Pagar</button></a>
<!--                        <a class="checkoutButton" href="view_cart.php" CHECKOUT</a>            -->
                 <td class='itemInCartDisplay' style='text-align:right;'>
                    <div class="cart-products-total">
                        <span>Total : <span style='font-size:20px; color:#008cba;'></span>
                                // Return a total price with 2 decimals
                                echo "$".sprintf("%.3f",$total);


        /*  Information about empty shopping cart  - exit() function prints a message and exits current script
            Can be used as die() */
        exit("No tienes items en el carrito");

/* Add item quantity - Allow maximum 5 of each item to be added  */
if(isset($_GET["add_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["add_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] <= 4){

/* Subtract item quantity - deduct qty ONLY if item_qty is NOT smaller than 0  */
if(isset($_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] >= 2){
    /* Get item quantity and output it in json format */

/* Remove item from shopping cart */
if(isset($_GET["remove_item_from_cart"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
    $item_id = $_GET["remove_item_from_cart"];
    /* Check if item is ina item session array */
        unset($_SESSION["items"][$item_id]);  // Remove/unset item
    /* Calculate total number of items in cart and output it in json format */

/* If session is not started, start session */
require_once("database.php");  // request database connection with its objects

if(isset($_POST["item_id"]) && isset($_POST['item_qty'])){
    /* Get $_POST data and place it in array */

    /* Fetch all items from database that matches $_POST['item_id']
        Limit 1 at the end so only one item is fetched. */
    $items = $database->find_by_query("SELECT * FROM shopping_items WHERE item_id='{$added_item["item_id"]}' LIMIT 1");

    /* Foreach item -> Remaining data about items fetched from database */
    foreach($items as $item){
        $added_item["item_name"] = $item['item_name'];
        $added_item["item_price"] = $item['item_price'];
        $added_item["item_image"] = $item['item_image'];

        /* Update item session array with newly added items - items that already exist in the basket will be overwritten */
        $_SESSION["items"][$added_item['item_id']] = $added_item;


    /* Calculate number of items in cart and output it in json format */

/* Display aded products in the shopping cart */

    /* If item session is already set and if there are any items added to the session */
    if(isset($_SESSION["items"]) && count($_SESSION["items"])>0){
        <table class='table'> <!--Start table that will holds all data in the shopping cart -->
        $total=0; // define total so the script won't throw silly error of a type 'Undefined variable: total in....'

        /* Loop through item session array and display data */
        foreach($_SESSION["items"] as $item){
            <tr class='itemInCardRow'>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <img class='img-responsive item_disp_image' style='max-width:80px; float:left;' src="images/<?php echo $item["item_image"]; ?>">

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo $item["item_name"] .", size ". $item["item_size"]; ?>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href='#' class='subtruct_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">-</a>
                        <?php echo "<span class='quantity'>Cantidad ".$item["item_qty"]."</span>"; ?>
                    <a href='#' class='add_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">+</a>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo "$".sprintf("%.3f", ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"])); ?>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href="#" class="remove_item_from_cart" item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">x</a>

            /* Calculate Total */
            $total += ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"]);
            }  // Close foreach loop
            <!-- This part displays Checkout button and price total -->
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay' colspan='4'>
                        <a href='checkOut.php' title="Review Cart and Check-Out"><button type="button" class="btn checkoutButton">Pagar</button></a>
<!--                        <a class="checkoutButton" href="view_cart.php" CHECKOUT</a>            -->
                 <td class='itemInCartDisplay' style='text-align:right;'>
                    <div class="cart-products-total">
                        <span>Total : <span style='font-size:20px; color:#008cba;'></span>
                                // Return a total price with 2 decimals
                                echo "$".sprintf("%.3f",$total);


        /*  Information about empty shopping cart  - exit() function prints a message and exits current script
            Can be used as die() */
        exit("No tienes items en el carrito");

/* Add item quantity - Allow maximum 5 of each item to be added  */
if(isset($_GET["add_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["add_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] <= 4){

/* Subtract item quantity - deduct qty ONLY if item_qty is NOT smaller than 0  */
if(isset($_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] >= 2){
    /* Get item quantity and output it in json format */

/* Remove item from shopping cart */
if(isset($_GET["remove_item_from_cart"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
    $item_id = $_GET["remove_item_from_cart"];
    /* Check if item is ina item session array */
        unset($_SESSION["items"][$item_id]);  // Remove/unset item
    /* Calculate total number of items in cart and output it in json format */

/* If session is not started, start session */
require_once("database.php");  // request database connection with its objects

if(isset($_POST["item_id"]) && isset($_POST['item_qty'])){
    /* Get $_POST data and place it in array */

    /* Fetch all items from database that matches $_POST['item_id']
        Limit 1 at the end so only one item is fetched. */
    $items = $database->find_by_query("SELECT * FROM shopping_items WHERE item_id='{$added_item["item_id"]}' LIMIT 1");

    /* Foreach item -> Remaining data about items fetched from database */
    foreach($items as $item){
        $added_item["item_name"] = $item['item_name'];
        $added_item["item_price"] = $item['item_price'];
        $added_item["item_image"] = $item['item_image'];

        /* Update item session array with newly added items - items that already exist in the basket will be overwritten */
        $_SESSION["items"][$added_item['item_id']] = $added_item;


    /* Calculate number of items in cart and output it in json format */

/* Display aded products in the shopping cart */

    /* If item session is already set and if there are any items added to the session */
    if(isset($_SESSION["items"]) && count($_SESSION["items"])>0){
        <table class='table'> <!--Start table that will holds all data in the shopping cart -->
        $total=0; // define total so the script won't throw silly error of a type 'Undefined variable: total in....'

        /* Loop through item session array and display data */
        foreach($_SESSION["items"] as $item){
            <tr class='itemInCardRow'>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <img class='img-responsive item_disp_image' style='max-width:80px; float:left;' src="images/<?php echo $item["item_image"]; ?>">

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo $item["item_name"] .", size ". $item["item_size"]; ?>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href='#' class='subtruct_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">-</a>
                        <?php echo "<span class='quantity'>Cantidad ".$item["item_qty"]."</span>"; ?>
                    <a href='#' class='add_itm_qty quantity_change' item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">+</a>

                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <?php echo "$".sprintf("%.3f", ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"])); ?>
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay'>
                    <a href="#" class="remove_item_from_cart" item_id="<?php echo $item["item_id"]; ?>">x</a>

            /* Calculate Total */
            $total += ($item["item_price"] * $item["item_qty"]);
            }  // Close foreach loop
            <!-- This part displays Checkout button and price total -->
                <td class='itemInCartDisplay' colspan='4'>
                        <a href='checkOut.php' title="Review Cart and Check-Out"><button type="button" class="btn checkoutButton">Pagar</button></a>
<!--                        <a class="checkoutButton" href="view_cart.php" CHECKOUT</a>            -->
                 <td class='itemInCartDisplay' style='text-align:right;'>
                    <div class="cart-products-total">
                        <span>Total : <span style='font-size:20px; color:#008cba;'></span>
                                // Return a total price with 2 decimals
                                echo "$".sprintf("%.3f",$total);


        /*  Information about empty shopping cart  - exit() function prints a message and exits current script
            Can be used as die() */
        exit("No tienes items en el carrito");

/* Add item quantity - Allow maximum 5 of each item to be added  */
if(isset($_GET["add_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["add_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] <= 4){

/* Subtract item quantity - deduct qty ONLY if item_qty is NOT smaller than 0  */
if(isset($_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
        if($_SESSION['items'][$_GET["subtruct_itm_qty"]]["item_qty"] >= 2){
    /* Get item quantity and output it in json format */

/* Remove item from shopping cart */
if(isset($_GET["remove_item_from_cart"]) && isset($_SESSION["items"])){
    $item_id = $_GET["remove_item_from_cart"];
    /* Check if item is ina item session array */
        unset($_SESSION["items"][$item_id]);  // Remove/unset item
    /* Calculate total number of items in cart and output it in json format */

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