I am working on a graphics engine. The engine has a std::vector of drawables. A Drawable is an object which contains a Model and a DrawableObject, which in turn holds a shader program and a bunch vertices from a 2D or 3D model. Adding new Drawables goes well, the problem occurs when I try to remove a Drawable. The last Drawable will always be removed and the second to last will have its values changed.



class Drawable
    Drawable& operator=(const Drawable& other)
        Drawable tmp(other);
        std::swap(model, other.model);
        std::swap(drawableObject, other.drawableObject);
        return *this;

    Drawable(domain::Model& model, DrawableObject& drawableObject) :

    domain::Model& model;
    DrawableObject& drawableObject;


void Game::init_game()
    human = domain::Model(glm::vec3(0, 0, -3));
    room = domain::Model(glm::vec3(0, 0, -10));
    cube = domain::Model(glm::vec3(0, 0, 0));

void Game::init_graphics_engine()
    // ... load graphics models

    // add drawables
    graphicsEngine->add(cube, Drawable::CUBE);
    graphicsEngine->add(human, Drawable::HUMAN);
    graphicsEngine->add(room, Drawable::ROOM);
    graphicsEngine->add(topDownScene->cursor, Drawable::MARKER);


void Engine::add(domain::Model& model, unsigned int object)
    auto drawableObject = drawableObjects[object];
    // make sure not to add a model that already is represented
    auto it = std::find_if(drawables.begin(), drawables.end(), [&model](Drawable& drawable) {return &drawable.model == &model;});
    if(drawableObject && it == drawables.end())
        drawables.push_back(Drawable(model, *drawableObject));

void Engine::remove(domain::Model& model)
    auto predicate = [&model](Drawable& drawable) 
        return &drawable.model == &model;
    drawables.erase(std::remove_if(drawables.begin(), drawables.end(), predicate), drawables.end());


This is what the scene looks like when I start the application:

scene on startup

This is what the scene looks like after attempting to erase the small 'human' cube in the middle:

enter image description here

The code removes the last Drawable, which is the white marker, instead of the 'human' cube, and changed the z position of the room. This almost always happens, it removes the last element and changed the z of the second to last. It only works if I add the 'human' cube last in the init method.


Before removing the object:

enter image description here

After removing the object:

enter image description here

This is correct.

Leaving the remove method and taking a look in the render loop:

enter image description here

Somehow changed.

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    Wait, your copy assignment operator modifies the right-hand side? And what's up with `tmp`? – NPE Aug 13 '17 at 14:40
  • @NPE [copy-and-swap idiom](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom). – LogicStuff Aug 13 '17 at 14:49
  • @LogicStuff: That's what I am guessing it's *meant* to be, but it isn't if you read the code closely (unless I am failing to see something, which is of course also a possibility). – NPE Aug 13 '17 at 15:01
  • It's also confusing using reference member variables. OP is removing using the address of the model, which cannot change, as it is a reference. Remove will invoke the assignment operator, but the address of the model isn't going to change, as the swap is swapping the contents of the models. – Dave S Aug 13 '17 at 16:18
  • You are using the copy and swap wrong I think, std::swap(model, other.model); – Giel Aug 13 '17 at 16:30

1 Answers1


I changed the class members to pointers. Now it works. The comments were right, I didn't do anything with the tmp variable.

class Drawable
    Drawable& operator=(const Drawable& other)
        this->model = other.model;
        this->drawableObject = other.drawableObject;
        return *this;

    Drawable(domain::Model* model, std::shared_ptr<DrawableObject> drawableObject) :

    domain::Model* model;
    std::shared_ptr<DrawableObject> drawableObject;
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