
I am doing C++ program which reads infinite while loop,

After letting user enter the desired month and year. The loop become infinite and only output "AAAAA...."


1 9 2017|0112233445|20.00 5.00
2 9 2017|0123456789|6.00 3.00
3 10 2017|0135792468|30.00 1.00
4 10 2017|0166778899|7.00 10.00
4 10 2017|0177001228|40.00 4.00
5 10 2017|0184040626|8.00 2.00
6 10 2017|0134567892|50.00 6.00
7 10 2017|0145678910|9.00 7.00

I tried using
while(inS >> Day>>Month >> Year >> ch >>hpNO >> ch >> c_Charges >> sms_charges )
but nothing seems to be worked .
Any suggestions to solve this problem?Thanks in advance.

void monthlyreport(char manager[])
 int month, year;   //userinput
 char ch;//store delimitor
 int count = 0;

 double Totalcallcharges = 0;
 double Totalsmscharges = 0;
 double Totalcharges = 0;

 int  Day,Month, Year;//for textfile reading
 char hpNO[11];
 double c_Charges =0;
 double sms_charges =0;

 string Months[] = { "January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December" };

 cout << "You choose : MONTHLY CHARGES REPORT ...";

 cout << "\n\n Which month/year  (mm yyyy)?     ";
 cin >> month;
 cin >> year;

 ifstream inS;
 /*while (inS >> Day)  
  while (inS >> Month)
   while (inS >> Year)
    while (inS >> ch)
     while (inS >> hpNO)
      while (inS >> ch)
       while (inS >> c_Charges)
        while (inS >> sms_charges)
          if (month == Month && year == Year)
           Totalcallcharges += c_Charges;
          if (month == Month && year == Year)

           Totalsmscharges += sms_charges;

while (!inS.eof()) correct answer
    inS >> tranS.day >> tranS.month >> tranS.year >> ch;
    inS.getline(tranS.phoneNO, 12, '|');
    inS >> tranS.call_charges >> tranS.sms_charges;

    transactions(&head, tranS);
    if (tranS.month == month &&tranS.year == year)
     tranS.Total_call_charges += tranS.call_charges;
     tranS.Total_sms_charges += tranS.sms_charges;
 Totalcharges = Totalcallcharges + Totalsmscharges;


 cout << Month << year;
 cout << endl << c_Charges;
 cout << setw(50) << setfill('=') << " " << endl << endl;
 cout << "       T A R U C M O B I L E   S D N   B H D" << endl << endl;
 cout << setfill(' ') << setw(30) << "Monthly Report - " << Months[month - 1] << " " << year << endl;
 cout << "\nTotal Number of TARUCMOBILE users = " << count;
 cout << "\n\nTotal Charges from Calls = RM" << setw(8) << setfill(' ') << Totalcallcharges << setprecision(2);
 cout << "\nTotal Charges from SMS's = RM" << setw(8) << setfill(' ') << Totalsmscharges << setprecision(2);
 cout << "\n" << setfill(' ') << setw(27) << " " << right << setw(12) << setfill('-') << "-" << endl;
 cout << "TOTAL CHARGES (POSTPAID) = RM" << setw(8) << setfill(' ') << Totalcharges << setprecision(2);
 cout << "\n" << setw(27) << setfill(' ') << " " << setw(12) << setfill('=') << "=" << endl;
 cout << "***        E N D     O F    R E P O R T      *** " << endl << endl;

 cout << "Generated by" << endl;
 cout << "______________" << endl;
 cout << manager << "(Manager)" << endl;
 cout << T.wDay << " " << Months[T.wMonth - 1] << " " << T.wYear << endl;
 cout << endl << setw(50) << setfill('=') << " " << endl;

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1 Answers1



    while(inS >> Day)
    while(inS >> Month)
    while(inS >> Year)
    while(inS >>ch)

Then do whatever you want to inside the innermost while loop.

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