I'm having some issues wrapping my head around object instantiation and scope in JavaScript...

Looking at this sample code:

someOtherObj = {
  aMethod: function() {
    $('body').append('aMethod successfully called!<br>');
    return 'd';

$('body').append(someOtherObj.aMethod() + '<br>');

someObj = {
  aValue: 'a',
  bValue: 'b',
  cValue: this.aValue,              // THIS DOESN'T WORK!!
  dValue: new someOtherObj(),       // THIS DOESN'T WORK!!
  eValue: {
    fValue: aValue,                 // THIS DOESN'T WORK!!
    gValue: this.aValue,            // THIS DOESN'T WORK!!
    hValue: someObj.aValue,         // THIS DOESN'T WORK!!

// JavaScript crashes out before this, but...
// This should result in:  'a'
$('body').append(someObj.cValue + '<br>');

// This should result in:  'd'
$('body').append(someObj.dValue.aMethod() + '<br>');

// These should result in: 'a'
$('body').append(someObj.eValue.fValue + '<br>');
$('body').append(someObj.eValue.gValue + '<br>');
$('body').append(someObj.eValue.hValue + '<br>');

I think the comments are pretty self explanatory... But that being said:

  1. How can I make cValue reference (===) aValue, and/or have the same value (==) as aValue?
  2. How can I instantiate a new object as the property of another object?
  3. How can I access the property of a containing object?
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2 Answers2


How can I make cValue reference (===) aValue, and/or have the same value (==) as aValue?

You can't (other than just using the same value to initialize it, e.g. cValue: 'a'); more here: Self references in object literal declarations.

Alternately, you could make cValue a getter that returns aValue, though there's little point in this case:

var obj = {
    aValue: 42,
    get cValue() {
        return this.aValue;
console.log(obj.cValue); // 42
obj.aValue = 67;
console.log(obj.cValue); // 67

How can I instantiate a new object as the property of another object?

The way you're doing it. The problem with what you're doing (new someOtherObj()) is that someOtherObj is an object, not a constructor function. (Constructor functions are objects, but most objects aren't constructor functions.)

This is a constructor function:

function Example() {
    this.someProperty = "some value"; // This bit is optional; it's here to
                                      // emphasize that constructors initialize
                                      // the contents of the new object

so is this, via ES2015 class syntax:

class Example {
    constructor() {
        this.someProperty = "some value"; // Again, this bit is optional

In both cases, this works:

var obj {
    example: new Example()
console.log(example.someProperty); // "some value"

How can I access the property of a containing object?

Via this, if the code that's running is called in a way that sets this to the object. For instance:

var obj = {
    answer: 42,
    doSomething: function() {
obj.doSomething(); // 42

See these questions and their answers:

Or in the case of one-off objects like that, by using the name of the variable they're assigned to:

var obj = {
    answer: 42,
    doSomething: function() {
        console.log(obj.answer); // <== Only change is here
obj.doSomething(); // 42
T.J. Crowder
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It is my understanding that this is dependent on the execution context. Also, it cannot be used in assignment. In other words:

var obj0 = {
    self: this // <--refers to the global object

var obj1 = {
    'use strict'
    self: this // undefined

see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this

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