When I send an html email with an attached file, Plain Text on Thunderbird doesn't show anything, especially when an attached file is docx, pdf, or etc. txt file was okay when I tested though.

It works well if I don't attach any files, Thunderbird correctly shows Html Text and Plain Text if I switch its view setting.

using(var mail = new MailMessage()){
    // ...omit
    var alternateView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString("<h1>TEST</h1>", Encoding, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
    alternateView.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.SevenBit;

    mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment("path to a file"));
    // ...omit

I tried https://stackoverflow.com/a/2828438/366049 but no luck.

As Caius Jard suggested, I tried the following and the results are below.

  • setting it as the main body + the HTML as an alternateview
    It works, but this means I have to prepare plain text and html text. If I don't attach any files, Thunderbird shows plain text which is from html text removing tags. I want this behavior all the time since input text is made by our users. Otherwise I need to retrieve plain text from html.
  • setting both the text and the HTML as alternate views, no main body
    Both Plain Text and Html Text settings in Thunderbird show the text alternate view.
  • setting the text as both the main body and a text alternateview as well as having an HTML alternateview
    Thunderbird shows the text alternate view even if I switch its view setting.

According to these experiments, a plain alternate view is superior than an html alternate view and a main body.

Yoo Matsuo
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1 Answers1


Though your question doesn't seem to contain example code that demonstrates how you set the plaintext, try

  • setting it as the main body + the HTML as an alternateview
  • setting both the text and the HTML as alternate views, no main body
  • setting the text as both the main body and a text alternateview as well as having an HTML alternateview

I'd be interested to know which of these works out for thunderbird..

Caius Jard
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