Using Mongoose, trying to query all records that do not contain a substring.

I have a User Schema, with an email field. I want get all user documents where the email field does not contain @testschool.edu . Reg Ex seems to be not working.

Tried this:

    .where({email: { "$regex": '^((?!testschoo.edu).)*$', "$options": "i" }})

2 Answers2


This actually works... just didn't have the right string. Thanks for pointing it out - Neil Lunn


Another possible solution would be using the logical query operator $not:

return User.find(
    { email: {$not: /.*testschool\.edu.*/} },

If you want to "blacklist" multiple substring patterns, you could use the logical query operator $nor, which supports RegEx as well (not explicitly mentioned by the offical docs):

return User.find(
    { $nor: [{email: /.*testschool\.edu.*/}, {email: /.*catholicschool\.edu.*/] },

Of course, in this particular case we know that nothing should come after the substring, so we could be more precise searching for /.*testschool\.edu$/

For a detailed explanations why the solution in the question works, see this excellent answer.

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