I am trying to work with sears api and my process is failing due to my lack of understanding the documentation provided by sears

this is the sears url


based upon what they have given as to how to generate the signature and authenticate i am trying something like this but i am getting an error:

Request Timed out

Here is my Try in CF

        function ISODateFormat(datetime) {
        return '#DateFormat(datetime, "yyyy-mm-dd")#T#TimeFormat(datetime, "HH:mm:ss")#Z';
    <cfset variables.sellerid = '1234'>
    <cfset variables.emailaddress = 'abc@domain.com'>
    <cfset variables.secretkey = 'xxxx='>
    <cffunction name="auth" access="public" returntype="any">
        <cfset var myResult="">
        <cfset sDate = ISODateFormat(now())>
        <cfset StrtoSig = "#variables.sellerid#:#variables.emailaddress#:#sDate#">
        <cfset secretKey = variables.secretkey>
        <cfset x = hmac("#StrtoSig#","#secretKey#","HMACSHA256","utf-8")> 
        <cfreturn x>

    <cffunction access="public" name="getitems" returntype="any">
        <cfset surl = 'https://seller.marketplace.sears.com/SellerPortal/api/attributes/v4?itemClassId=1234&sellerId=1234'>
        <cfset getauth = auth()>
        <cfset sheader = "authorization:HMAC-SHA256 emailaddress=#variables.emailaddress#,timestamp=#sDate#,signature=#getauth#">
        <cfhttp url="#surl#" result="results">
            <cfhttpparam name="authorization" type="HEADER" value="#sheader#">
        <cfdump var="#results#">
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  • Because you get a request time out and not a api error, do you have the certificate installed? https://stackoverflow.com/a/20475763/5303755 – Brendan Doherty Jul 31 '17 at 12:57
  • did not installed any certificate and sears api does not mention anything like that – Avin Aug 01 '17 at 03:40
  • What timezone is your server running in? Check the date set in your ISODateFormat(Now()) as that will return your server's current timestamp which may not be UTC? – Phipps73 Aug 02 '17 at 10:16
  • i am with hostek.com so i assume its EST – Avin Aug 02 '17 at 14:43
  • So EST is 5 hours behind UTC therefore your timestamp is outside of the 30 minute time limit that the API expects. – Phipps73 Aug 02 '17 at 14:45

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