Would someone please tell me how I can sort this kind of JSON Array by the "name" in ascending alphabetical order?

    "response": {
        "game_count": 86,
        "games": [
            "10": {
                "appid": 10,
                "name": "Counter-Strike",
                "playtime_forever": 7604,
                "img_icon_url": "6b0312cda02f5f777efa2f3318c307ff9acafbb5",
                "img_logo_url": "af890f848dd606ac2fd4415de3c3f5e7a66fcb9f",
                "has_community_visible_stats": true
            "80": {
                "appid": 80,
                "name": "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero",
                "playtime_forever": 62,
                "img_icon_url": "077b050ef3e89cd84e2c5a575d78d53b54058236",
                "img_logo_url": "acdb28ba1b4c2fcc526332c1b63fc0f7533f087f"
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  • I'll use `lodash` and the `_.sortBy` function. – Hackerman Jul 25 '17 at 16:27
  • @Hackerman lodash in a PHP file? – BeetleJuice Jul 25 '17 at 16:30
  • Oooh, you want to sort it with php....so then you should use `json_decode` and start sorting out the games array by name...I'll let you my client side solution, just in case https://jsfiddle.net/d18s7ndk/ – Hackerman Jul 25 '17 at 16:32
  • @Hackerman not me. The OP I inferred PHP from the tags on the question. – BeetleJuice Jul 25 '17 at 16:35
  • you want to `json_decode` it as @Hackerman said. Then you won't have a multidimensional array but "games" is an array of obejcts. Have a look here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4282413/sort-array-of-objects-by-object-fields – lynx Jul 25 '17 at 16:37

3 Answers3


you get required result by this way .

var json_array = {

    "response": {
        "game_count": 86,
        "games": [
                "appid": 10,
                "name": "Counter-Strike",
                "playtime_forever": 7604,
                "img_icon_url": "6b0312cda02f5f777efa2f3318c307ff9acafbb5",
                "img_logo_url": "af890f848dd606ac2fd4415de3c3f5e7a66fcb9f",
                "has_community_visible_stats": true
                "appid": 80,
                "name": "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero",
                "playtime_forever": 62,
                "img_icon_url": "077b050ef3e89cd84e2c5a575d78d53b54058236",
                "img_logo_url": "acdb28ba1b4c2fcc526332c1b63fc0f7533f087f"


json_array.response.games.sort(sort_by('name', false, function(a){
    return a.toUpperCase()

var sort_by = function(a, m, n){

var key = n ? 
   function(p) {return n(p[a])} : 
   function(q) {return q[a]};

m = !m ? 1 : -1;

return function (x, y) {
   return x = key(x), y = key(y), m * ((x > y) - (y > x));
vjy tiwari
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Your question doesn't make it clear which language your code is in. I assumed PHP because of the PHP tag on the question.

My approach ($json is the raw JSON):

// decode JSON into an array
$arr = json_decode($json,true);

// usort allows sorting by custom attribute
    function($a,$b){ return $a['name'] < $b['name'] ? -1 : 1;}

// print and check order

// turn it back into JSON
$json = json_encode($arr);

Live demo

Docs: usort

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You could do something like this:


  $json = '{
        "response": {
            "game_count": 86,
            "games": [
                    "appid": 10,
                    "name": "Counter-Strike",
                    "playtime_forever": 7604,
                    "img_icon_url": "6b0312cda02f5f777efa2f3318c307ff9acafbb5",
                    "img_logo_url": "af890f848dd606ac2fd4415de3c3f5e7a66fcb9f",
                    "has_community_visible_stats": true
                    "appid": 80,
                    "name": "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero",
                    "playtime_forever": 62,
                    "img_icon_url": "077b050ef3e89cd84e2c5a575d78d53b54058236",
                    "img_logo_url": "acdb28ba1b4c2fcc526332c1b63fc0f7533f087f"
                    "appid": 23,
                    "name": "Art Attack",
                    "playtime_forever": 76604,
                    "img_icon_url": "6b0312cda02f5f777efa2f3318c307ff9acafbb5",
                    "img_logo_url": "af890f848dd606ac2fd4415de3c3f5e7a66fcb9f",
                    "has_community_visible_stats": true

$arrayConvertedJson = json_decode($json, true);
$games = $arrayConvertedJson['response']['games'];
uasort($games, 'sortArray');

function sortArray($a, $b){
    if($a['name'] < $b['name']){
        return -1;
    if($a['name'] > $b['name']){
        return 1;
    return 0;
$arrayConvertedJson['response']['games'] = $games;

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