I'm trying to use SocketLite.PCL with my iOS/Android solution in Xamarin, but I get the message Allow Multiple Bind To Same Port only allowed on Windows when running it.

What does it mean and how do I fix it?

EDIT: Example code I'm using can be found here: https://github.com/1iveowl/SocketLite.PCL

I put the following code inside rotected async override void OnStart(){} of the app:

var udpReceived = new UdpSocketReceiver();
await udpReceived.StartListeningAsync(4992, allowMultipleBindToSamePort: true);

var udpMessageSubscriber = udpReceived.ObservableMessages.Subscribe(
    msg =>
        System.Console.WriteLine($"Remote adrres: {msg.RemoteAddress}");
        System.Console.WriteLine($"Remote port: {msg.RemotePort}");

        var str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.ByteData);
        System.Console.WriteLine($"Messsage: {str}");
    ex =>
    // Exceptions received here  


Ok, so setting allowMultipleBindToSamePort to false stopped that error.

Now I get the error Address already in use.

However I am still curious as to what allowMultipleBindToSamePort is used for.

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1 Answers1


As you can see in the new documentation:

IMPORTANT: Please notice that the parameter allowMultipleBindToSamePort will only work on Windows. On other platforms it should be set to false

About However I am still curious as to what allowMultipleBindToSamePort is used for.

There is a good and complete explanation on this post, you can read more in the following stackoverflow post

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