How is possible to compare two folders in SVN and export the differences to another folder in windows command prompt?

With tortoise svn gui, we can compare two URLS select all and export selection files to a folder. As mentioned in export changed files using tortoise svn to another directory.

Is it possible to do it from command prompt ?!

I see list of commands at https://tortoisesvn.net/docs/nightly/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-automation.html but could not find any thing.

I find an script at https://www.electrictoolbox.com/subversion-export-changed-files-cli/ but it with was for the linux,

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Alireza Fattahi
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1 Answers1


I changed the shell script for Linux you mentioned to work with Windows. The first variant (svn-export.bat) works with two different revisions in a repository. The second variant (svn-localexport.bat) will work with two local directories.

It uses the svn diff --summarize -r revision-from:revision-to repository as svn command to work. Create a batch file: svn-export.bat copy the following content into it and use it by:

svn-export revision-from revision-to repository target-directory


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if [%1] == [] set INVARGS=1
if [%2] == [] set INVARGS=1
if [%3] == [] set INVARGS=1
if [%4] == [] set INVARGS=1
if %INVARGS% == 1 (
   echo Usage: %0 ^<revision_from^> ^<revision_to^> ^<repository^> ^<target_directory^>"
   goto eof

rem set up nice names for the incoming parameters to make the script more readable
set "revision_from=%1"
set "revision_to=%2"
set "repository=%3"
set "target_directory=%~4"

rem the findstr is needed so we only get added/modified files and not the deleted ones or anything else
set "svnCommand=svn diff --summarize -r%revision_from%:%revision_to% %repository% ^| findstr /B "[AM]""

if not exist "%target_directory%" ( mkdir "%target_directory%" )

rem go into target directory
pushd "%target_directory%"
for /f "delims=" %%L in ('%svnCommand%') do (
   rem convert line like: "A       http://..." to "http://..."
   set "filename=%%L"
   rem echo.before: ^<!filename!^>
   set "find=*%repository%/"
   call set filename=%%filename:!find!=%%
   rem echo.after:  ^<!filename!^>

   rem don't export if it's a directory we've already created
   if not exist "!filename!" (
      for %%F in ("!filename!") do set "directory=%%~dpF"
      if not exist "!directory!" ( mkdir "!directory!" )
      svn export -r %revision_to% %repository%/!filename! "%cd%\!filename!"

rem to summarize any deleted files or directories at the end of the script uncomment the following lines
rem echo.Deleted files:
rem svn diff --summarize -r%revision_from%:%revision_to% %repository% | findstr /B "[D]"


The next script is nearly the same but it compares two local directories that are managed by svn. Therefore it uses: svn diff --summarize --old folder-old --new folder-new as svn command. Use it via:

svn-localexport folder-old folder-new target-directory


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if [%1] == [] set INVARGS=1
if [%2] == [] set INVARGS=1
if [%3] == [] set INVARGS=1
if %INVARGS% == 1 (
   echo Usage: %0 ^<folder_old^> ^<folder_new^> ^<target_directory^>"
   goto eof

rem set up nice names for the incoming parameters to make the script more readable
set "folder_old=%~1"
set "folder_new=%~2"
set "target_directory=%~3"

pushd "%folder_old%"
set "folder_old_abs=%cd%"
pushd "%folder_new%"
set "folder_new_abs=%cd%"

rem the findstr is needed so we only get added/modified files and not the deleted ones or anything else
set "svnCommand=svn diff --summarize --old "%folder_old_abs%" --new "%folder_new_abs%" ^| findstr /B "[AM]""

if not exist "%target_directory%" ( mkdir "%target_directory%" )

rem go into target directory
pushd "%target_directory%"
for /f "delims=" %%L in ('%svnCommand%') do (
   rem convert line like: "A       C:\Users\...\src.c" to "src.c"
   set "filename=%%L"
   rem echo.before: ^<!filename!^>
   set "find=*%folder_old_abs%\"
   call set filename=%%filename:!find!=%%
   rem echo.after:  ^<!filename!^>

   rem don't export if it's a directory we've already created
   if not exist "!filename!" (
      for %%F in ("!filename!") do set "directory=%%~dpF"
      if not exist "!directory!" ( mkdir "!directory!" )
      echo copy "%folder_new_abs%\!filename!" "%cd%\!filename!"
      copy "%folder_new_abs%\!filename!" "%cd%\!filename!"

rem to summarize any deleted files or directories at the end of the script uncomment the following lines
rem echo.Deleted files:
rem svn diff --summarize --old "%folder_old_abs%" --new "%folder_new_abs%" | findstr /B "[D]"


Note that both batch scripts doesn't overwrite target files if they are already exists. If you want to change that remove the corresponding if statement.

Andre Kampling
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  • It exports the diff log but I am looking for folder structure which shows same as tortoise export – Alireza Fattahi Jul 12 '17 at 11:12
  • Now I got your question, sorry I misread your question and will change my answer. – Andre Kampling Jul 12 '17 at 11:23
  • I changed my answer, the script I attached works exactly the same as the script you have posted for Linux. – Andre Kampling Jul 12 '17 at 13:22
  • Thanks I test it with `svnexport 100 110 c:\test` and the result was a folder named `!directory!` in the `c:\test` folder ! – Alireza Fattahi Jul 12 '17 at 13:35
  • Dear @AndreKampling the final edit worked! Thanks. By the way, this script compares two revisions, not two folders. I marked this as correct, Because this script is also very helpful!! But do you think it is possible to compare two folders and export the diffs. – Alireza Fattahi Jul 17 '17 at 09:46
  • Thank you! Yes it compares 2 revision as the script you've posted does that as well. I will change the script so that it will work with directories too. As an alternative there is WinMerge as posted on SO already: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14138991/8051589. – Andre Kampling Jul 17 '17 at 09:52
  • It will be great, I am looking forward to script update ! – Alireza Fattahi Jul 17 '17 at 11:32