I'm having some trouble working with the iGraph package with R. Specifically when i'm trying to get all the nodes within 2 degrees of separation from a given node then use that list to run some operations on via a function.

I'm not super confident with how lists in R work, let alone iGraph.vs classes either.

Ideally I would want to generate a list of the vertices using the ego to the second degree Listnode_test <- (ego(Graph1, 2, "accumsan")). This returns Listnode_test. Here's the output:

structure(list(structure(c(1L, 3L, 5L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 16L, 24L, 1 c(1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 24, 32, 59, 64, 2, 4, 6, 14, 15, 1

The problem is that I want it to return a list of the nodes ideally in just a list that says "node1, node2, node3" etc.. so that I can run them through a function like this:

for (i in 1:length(Listnode_test[[1]]))
  Perspective <- 1
  Listnode <- neighborhood.size(Graph1, 1, Listnode_test[[1]][i], mode="in")
  ##a save script either to a DF or global env

Basically I want to get a node, then get a list of every node that's connected to it within X degree's of separation. After I've generated this list I want to feed it into the function which calculates the in-degree for each node in the list provided.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've provided an example of the vertices DF below:

> vertices from to query 1 accumsan a Benefit 2 nonummy a Benefit 3 mollis a Benefit 4 velit a Benefit 5 et a Benefit 6 vulputate a Benefit 7 magna a Benefit 8 et a Risk 9 feugiat ac Benefit 10 feugiat ac Sequential 11 mollis accumsan Benefit 12 a accumsan Benefit 13 mauris accumsan Benefit 14 et accumsan Benefit 15 fermentum accumsan Other 16 mollis accumsan Scope

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1 Answers1


Okay so I've figured out how to do it now.

    node.list <- Listnode_test[[1]][i]
    > node.list
    + 1/68 vertex, named:
    [1] vel

    node.list <- as_ids(node.list)

    > as_ids(node.list)
    [1] "vel"

> node.list <- as_ids(node.list)
> df <- data.frame (node.list, in.degree, perspective)
> df
  node.list in.degree perspective
1       vel         2           1

The as_ids() function in iGraph converts an iGraph.vs into a vector :)

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