While plucking from a database, I get id as strings.

$alphabets = new Alphabet();
return $alphabets->pluck('name', 'id');


    "1": "Apple",
    "2": "Ball",
    "3": "Cat"


    1: "Apple",
    2: "Ball",
    3: "Cat"

But, when I reverse ID and name,

return $alphabets->pluck('id', 'name');

I get id as integer.

    "Apple": 1,
    "Ball": 2,
    "Cat": 3

I'm not sure what's happening behind the scene. But how can I get ID in integer ? Actually, old flash session doesn't set value because of 1 vs "1" in Form Collective.

{!! Form::select('alphabet', $alphabets, null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'multiple' => true]) !!}
Sagar Chamling
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5 Answers5


Try this code

$alphabets = new Alphabet();
return $alphabets->all()->pluck('name', 'id');


You should cast your columns like this.

  protected $casts = [
    'id' => 'integer',
    'name' => 'string' 
Dharmesh Rakholia
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I think I found the answer here.


Here I found JSON only allows key names to be strings.

Using number as "index" (JSON)

    "1": "Apple",
    "2": "Ball",
    "3": "Cat"

Actually, I want to achieve it for Form Collective. It was a bug and it's PR has been merged now.


Sagar Chamling
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you also convert key into int

 $alphabets = new Alphabet();
    $alphaArr =$alphabets->pluck('name', 'id');
    foreach($array as $key => $value) {
       $newArray[(int) $key] = $value;
Shailesh Ladumor
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Usually, pluck() method gives you associative array of values in string values.

So, try using select statements like this:

$data = Alphabet::select('id','name')->get()->toArray();

This will give you following result:

array:3 [▼
  0 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => 1
    "name" => "Apple"
  1 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => 2
    "name" => "Ball"
  2 => array:2 [▼
    "id" => 3
    "name" => "Cat"

Now, using simple loop you can get your expected array.

$expected = array();

foreach($data as $d){
    $expected[$d['name']] = $d['id'];

Sagar Gautam
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Adding this line fix the old session issue of LaravelCollective/Html.

|| in_array((string) $value, $selected, true)

 * Determine if the value is selected.
 * @param  string $value
 * @param  string $selected
 * @return null|string
protected function getSelectedValue($value, $selected)
    if (is_array($selected)) {
        return in_array($value, $selected, true) || in_array((string) $value, $selected, true) ? 'selected' : null;
    } elseif ($selected instanceof Collection) {
        return $selected->contains($value) ? 'selected' : null;
    return ((string) $value == (string) $selected) ? 'selected' : null;
Sagar Chamling
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