I'm trying to compile a program with the mbed CLI using the following command:

mbed compile -m UBLOX_C027 -t ARM

It results in the following error:

make.py: error: Could not find executable for ARM.
Currently set search path: No path set

How can I set the executable?

Tim Baas
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2 Answers2


I know I am way too late but still if anyone is facing the same problem. I solved it in this way in MAC OS.

  1. Download GCC_ARM for MAC OS from here: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads
  2. Extract it in some location and set the path using mbed cli:

mbed config -G GCC_ARM_PATH "/Users/amod-mac/Desktop/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major/bin"

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Two ways, either:

  • Set ARM_PATH in mbed_settings.py in the root folder of your project.
  • Or make sure that ARMCC is in your path.

Note that ARM compiler target is for the commercial ARM compiler. If you're using GCC ARM use the GCC_ARM target.

Jan Jongboom
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  • Thanks for your answer Jan, actually before coming back here I found that I didn't have a compiler installed yet and it's not part of mbed-os. I'm working on OSX so searched for a compiler on brew, which led me to https://github.com/osx-cross/homebrew-arm. After installing it and setting GCC_ARM_PATH everything worked. Not sure what the difference is between ARM / GCC_ARM though? – Tim Baas Jun 20 '17 at 07:02
  • ARM is the ARMCC compiler, which is part of the Keil uVision IDE (and is relatively expensive). GCC_ARM is free and open source. [Some background here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27908760/arm-cortex-m-compiler-differences). – Jan Jongboom Jun 20 '17 at 12:15