void epoll_func(epoll_event event){
char str[BUFSIZE] = {'\0'};
int c =0; 

if(event.data.fd ==  connfd && EPOLLIN){
        c = read( connfd, str, BUFSIZE);

        write( 1, str, c); 
}else if( event.data.fd == 0 && EPOLLIN ){
        c = read( 0, str, BUFSIZE);

        send( connfd, str, c, 0); 


Write data to the master, but also read the data to write their own. How to do?

thanks very much.

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  • Looks like C. Why spamming the C++ tag? – too honest for this site Jun 13 '17 at 08:55
  • `0 && EPOLLIN` can be expressed much simpler ;) – tofro Jun 13 '17 at 08:59

1 Answers1


You are messing up the epoll_event structure you get which consists of an event field and a union containing the data. I suppose you want to do something like the following:

struct epoll_event e;

uint32_t e_type = e.events;
int fd = e.data.fd;

if (fd == myfd) {
   if (events && EPOLLIN)) {
      /* my watched fd and can be read from */
   if (events && EPOLLOUT) {
      /* my watched fd and can be written to */
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