I'm frequently in the position that my code reads like so:

(iterate improve x)

And I'm looking for the first value that no longer is an improvement over the previous. Neither filter nor take-while lend themselves to an obvious solution. However, I'm hesitant to write out:

(loop [current x
       next (improve x)]
  (if (= current next)
    (recur next (improve next))))


(let [improvements (iterate improve x)]
  (->> (map vector improvements (rest improvements))
    (filter (partial apply =))

Because at some point this is becoming repetitive and surely fixed point iteration is such a basic task that there must be some kind of library support somewhere, right?

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2 Answers2


You can use reduce and reduced to stop when necessary. reduced wraps the argument in a special object, which reduce is designed to look for and stop processing immediately returning the wrapped value.

(def vals (iterate improve x))

(reduce #(if (= %1 %2) (reduced %1) %2) vals)
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You could use drop-while then first:

(defn still-improving? [[x y]]

(->> st
     (iterate transition)
     (partition 2 1)
     (drop-while still-improving?)
Chris Murphy
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