I am now studying C++ 11 and getting confused by value category of expressions in C++ 11. According to terminology the Lvalue is the top-left point of the W, that is iM (or i-m sometimes) meaning that "has identity but cannot be moved from". This really makes me confused. Please consider the example below:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int a = 0, b = 1, c = 2;
    a = std::move(b = c);
    std::cout << a << '\n';

This example compiled well.

We all know that the assignment b = c is an Lvalue then what do they mean by 'cannot be moved from'? Please give examples that can clearly illustrate this!


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    [why is std move named so](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21358432/why-is-stdmove-named-stdmove) – Caleth May 31 '17 at 15:57

1 Answers1


Roughly speaking:

  • an lvalue has identity because you can take its address

    int x;
    &x; // ok
  • an lvalue cannot be moved from because it cannot be used as an argument to move constructor/assignment

    struct Foo 
        Foo(Foo&);  // 0
        Foo(Foo&&); // 1
    Foo x;
    Foo y{x}; // calls 0, not 1

    in the example above, x is an lvalue: the copy constructor is invoked. If you want to move from x, you need to make it an rvalue: this is why you must use std::move(x) to cast it to an rvalue reference.

    Foo y{std::move(x)}; // calls 1

In your example std::move(b = c) is an rvalue, as std::move is literally just a static_cast to an rvalue reference.

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