I have such reactive form:

  this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
    name: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(50)])],
    memes: this.formBuilder.array([

initMemes (name?) {
  return this.formBuilder.group({
    id: [''], name: [name]

later i can add some more memes:

addMemes () {
  const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['memes'];

and then if i get form values i get:

this.form.controls['memes'].value - here i have array

But there is a case, when i need this this.form.controls['memes'].value to set to an empty array, how is it possible to do?

If i set it this way:


I got error: Must supply a value for form control at index: 0.

what i do wrong?

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    For anyone who reads this: I struggled with this error after following a tutorial about FormArray. The solution is simple, just init the FormArray with a pair of empty square brackets []: this.formBuilder.array([ ]). I don't know what the function call in there is supposed to do, I just know it gives that error. – Jette Aug 28 '18 at 11:40

4 Answers4



As of newer versions, Angular now supports clearing a FormArray with clear():



Tried a few things:reset(),setControl(), but the following was the only solution I found to work that actually resets the whole array to [], other options worked, but they left the formgroups in place, just emptied the values.

So how I got it to work, was to iterate the form array and delete each form group with that particular index in the loop:

const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['memes'];

for(let i = control.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

If there is a better way, I'm open for suggestions! :)

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Try this.myForm.controls['myFormArray'] = this.formBuilder.array([]); with formBuilder service instantiated in your constructor.

Jacob Kochocki
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    And we still do it like this in Angular 7 – Stefan Falk Mar 09 '19 at 10:16
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    Doing this leaves the parent form invalid if the formArray had an invalid control before clearing it like this. The best way for Ng<8 is to use removeAt in a loop. For Angular 8+, use FormArray.clear() method – mlakhara Jun 05 '19 at 17:32


this.form = this._formB.group({
    blocks: this._formB.array([])

1st method

let fArray = <FormArray>this.form.controls['blocks'];
while (fArray.length !== 0) {

2nd method

this.form.setControl('blocks', this._formB.array([]));
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    Please add some explanation to your answer, this helps to OP as well as to other people that might end up here while searching for similar problem. – FilipRistic Feb 22 '18 at 23:09

I was having a similar issue, where I would get said error after updating my form, and after a bunch of investigation and failed experimentation I found that this.myForm.updateValueAndValidity finally did the trick.

Arun Vinoth
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