
So, I have a login and I'm using Linq, C#, to check if there is a pair username/password that fits the user input. If there is any, it is stored in a User variable. If user==null, the login fails, if the user!=null, success! Now, I encrypted my pass and I need to redo the login code so I can compare the user input and the hashed pass stored on the database. I'm using this class to hash:


My login code

private void button_LogInEntrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string username = tb_LogInUsername.Text;
    string password = tb_LogInPass.Text;

    User userAdmin = (from admin in dbATMT.UserSet.OfType<Administrator>()
    where admin.Username.Equals(username) && admin.Password.Equals(password)
    select admin).FirstOrDefault();

    if (userAdmin == null)
        //logs in
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    Once you've extracted the password value from LogInPass.Text field, you can apply same encryption/hashing logic before you use it inside LINQ expression. – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 20:40
  • my doubt is, if the verify method returns a bool, how can I check, using the linq query, if the user input and the database data are equal ? – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 20:44
  • May be I missed something here. Where is Verify method defined and what is it doing. Can you please add some details around it? – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 20:47
  • i used this class. it has a hash method, to encrypt, and a verify method, that comapres a string with the encrypted data https://stackoverflow.com/a/32191537/1695100 – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 20:49
  • I don't see where you're using the Class you've mentioned in your code snippet. I was looking for something like this SecurePasswordHasher.Verify(admin.Password, password) in your LINQ expression – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 20:53
  • I used the class to encrypt but I didnt use it here beacause I dont know how. I dont get it how can I use a bool inside the linq expression – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 20:56
  • User userAdmin = (from admin in dbATMT.UserSet.OfType() where admin.Username.Equals(username) && SecurePasswordHasher.Verify(admin.Password, password) select admin).FirstOrDefault(); – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 20:58
  • I see what you mean but I get an error: "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean Verify(System.String, System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression." – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 21:01
  • `string hashedPassword = SecurePasswordHasher.Hash(password); User userAdmin = (from admin in dbATMT.UserSet.OfType() where admin.Username.Equals(username) && admin.Password.Equals(hashedPassword) select admin).FirstOrDefault();` I think you should be able follow either of the above method to solve your problem – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 21:05
  • it doenst work...each time I use the SecurePasswordHasher.hash(), it creates a new hash. It wont be equal to the same on the database – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 21:13
  • Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/145324/discussion-between-gururaj-and-nelson-silva). – Gururaj May 28 '17 at 21:15
  • ok i am there . – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 21:26
  • Just use : where admin.Username.Equals(username) && SecurePasswordHasher.Verify(Password) – jdweng May 28 '17 at 21:34
  • doesnt work. SecurePasswordHasher takes two arguments. I still tried SecurePasswordHasher.Verify(Password, admin.password) but I get the same error, "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean " – Nelson Silva May 28 '17 at 21:40

1 Answers1


You might want to compare the password outside the LINQ-Expression, like that:

User userAdmin = (from admin in dbATMT.UserSet.OfType<Administrator>()
where admin.Username.Equals(username) select admin).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (userAdmin == null || !admin.Password.Equals(password))
                            //logs in
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