i have an application build in CI 3.x version now i want to redirect to a specific directory in the root folder. i have an anchor tag through which i will redirect to the path now here is what i am doing!

 <a href="<?=base_url()?>ecommerce" class="shop-now-button">SHOP NOW</a>
//ecommerce is my directory name on root folder which contains the other website

now this is how the firefox is showing in inspect

<a href="http://clients.nextcrawl.ca/occ/ecommerce" class="shop-now-button">SHOP NOW</a>

which is the correct url! but what happens is when is actually click on it it takes me to the link http://localhost/occ/ecommerce/ and i have no idea how and why it is doing this.one more thing the ecommerce directory has a wordpress site in it.

My question is not a duplicate because in other cases base_url() doesnot work or works incorrect whereas in my case the base_url value is correct its just not taking to the correct path

uneeb meer
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1 Answers1


When environment is changed (eg. dev/pro/local) make sure that you have cleared browser cache memory so new values that are set by application are shown correctly.

All in all:





Or use private browsing window.

Very useful links:

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  • thanks tpojka! but there is still a problem i have tried ctrl+f5 dozens of time but it is still not woking and when i open it on private it works! can you recommend some code for the website to load always from server not from cache? cuz its a big website and it is in developement phase – uneeb meer May 25 '17 at 15:07
  • Check those provided links. Also try with Shift in key combo. – Tpojka May 25 '17 at 15:08