I followed these following questions and answers: link1

link2, link3, link4

But still i am not getting solution for my problem. My STS.ini file is: STS.ini,

And I got error is:STS launching error.

If anyone has solution please respond.

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    Please show your code in the question and not as screenshot. – SilverNak May 14 '17 at 14:00
  • [follow the this this link this will help you](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30372337/sts-launch-error-java-was-started-but-returned-exit-code-13) – Ramnath May 05 '18 at 10:34

4 Answers4


If you clicked the download button on the Spring Tool Suite site it probably downloaded the 32-bit version (as the browser you used is, probably, 32 bit). I haven't found a way to determine which version you downloaded besides the name of the rar file

32 bits version file is named spring-tool-suite-3.8.4.RELEASE-e4.6.3-win32.zip and 64 bits is spring-tool-suite-3.8.4.RELEASE-e4.6.3-win32-x86_64.zip (notice the -x86_64 at the end)

So, in order to fix your issue:

  1. Confirm that you are using 64 bit Java

    1.1 Start a terminal (cmd at Windows) and run java -version

  2. Download 64 bits Spring Tool Suite manually from its download all versions page

  3. Unzip

  4. Execute $UNZIPPED_FOLDER/sts-bundle/sts-3.8.4.RELEASE/STS.exe

  5. If everything goes ok mark this answer as correct ;)

I ran the same issue as you just an hour ago and that was the way I fixed it. For future downloads select manually which software version you want to download (as default selected will probably be 32 bits)

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The -vm argument in your STS.ini file has to be the first one in that file. Eclipse doesn't allow this argument to be placed anywhere else in that file. I hope that helps.

Martin Lippert
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Resolved for me. The problem is the 32 and 64bit versions.

I accidentally downloaded a 32bit version of the JDK 1.8 and a 64bit version of Spring Tools Suite 4

And for worse, I copied and pasted the environment variable JAVA_HOME without pay attention, pointing to C:\Program Files (x86)... :)

Then, I uninstall de JDK 32 bit and later installed the 64bit version.

create/set an environment variable and path like following:

variable name: JAVA_HOME variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261 and finally, in Path, set %JAVA_HOME%\bin

My apologies for my horrible english


I got the same error but it was because my JAVA_HOME was not set in PATH variable which sts.ini file was looking for.

Gaurav Dhavale
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