I'm having a problem getting this native query right against a postgres 9.4 instance.

My repository has a method:

 @Query(value = "SELECT t.* " +
            "FROM my_table t " +
            "WHERE t.field_1 = ?1 " +
            "AND t.field_2 = 1 " +
            "AND t.field_3 IN ?2 " +
            "AND t.jsonb_field #>> '{key,subkey}' = ?3",
            nativeQuery = true)
    List<Entity> getEntities(String field1Value,
                                   Collection<Integer> field3Values,
                                   String jsonbFieldValue);

But the logs show this:

SELECT t.* FROM my_table t 
WHERE t.field_1 = ?1 
  AND t.field_2 = 1 
  AND t.field_3 IN ?2 
  AND t.jsonb_field ? '{key,subkey}' = ?3

And I get this exception:

Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No value specified for parameter 2.

I logged the parameters directly before method invocation, and they are all supplied.

I'm not sure why #>> shows ? in the log. Do I need to escape #>>? Do I need to format the collection for IN? Do I need to escape the json path?

When I execute the query directly against the db, it works. Example:

FROM my_table t
WHERE t.field_1 = 'xxxx'
  AND t.field_2 = 1
  AND t.field_3 IN (13)
  AND t.jsonb_field #>> '{key,subkey}' = 'value'
Jens Schauder
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Josh C.
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  • were you able to resolve this? If it was from one of the answers could you select one? If not, could you post the solution you used as an answer – JoeG Nov 02 '18 at 12:56
  • @JoeG it looks like it doesn't work with eclipselink. I ended up going a different route. – Josh C. Nov 05 '18 at 14:45

5 Answers5


I found very helpful the Specification api from spring data.
Let's say we have an entity with name Product and a property with name title of type JSON(B).
I assume that this property contains the title of the Product in different languages. An example could be: {"EN":"Multicolor LED light", "EL":"Πολύχρωμο LED φώς"}.
The source code below finds a (or more in case it is not a unique field) product by title and locale passed as arguments.

public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Integer>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Product> {

public class ProductSpecification implements Specification<Product> {

    private String locale;
    private String titleToSearch;

    public ProductSpecification(String locale, String titleToSearch) {
        this.locale = locale;
        this.titleToSearch = titleToSearch;

    public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Product> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
        return builder.equal(builder.function("jsonb_extract_path_text", String.class, root.<String>get("title"), builder.literal(this.locale)), this.titleToSearch);

public class ProductService {

    private ProductRepository productRepository;

    public List<Product> findByTitle(String locale, String titleToSearch) {
        ProductSpecification cs = new ProductSpecification(locale, titleToSearch);
        return productRepository.find(cs);
        // Or using lambda expression - without the need of ProductSpecification class.
//      return productRepository.find((Root<ProductCategory> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) -> {
//          return builder.equal(builder.function("jsonb_extract_path_text", String.class, root.<String>get("title"), builder.literal(locale)), titleToSearch);
//      });

You can find another answer about the way you should use the Spring Data here.
Hope that helps.

George Siggouroglou
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  • Can you create query for a number? see [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57900944/how-query-with-spring-jpa-on-jsonb-columns) – Morteza Malvandi Sep 14 '19 at 04:36
  • it works perfectly, but I wanted to search with Object (not only String) so I changed `return builder.equal(builder.function("jsonb_extract_path_text", String.class, root.get("title"), builder.literal(locale)), titleToSearch);` to `return builder.equal(builder.function("jsonb_extract_path_text", Object.class, root.get("title"), builder.literal(locale)), titleToSearch);` and it throws exception: `o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions - ERROR: operator does not exist` , how can I handle this ? – Khuynh Thành Chi Luyến Dec 10 '20 at 09:56

Maybe this is an old topic, but I'm putting here search in jsonb by field using spring specification.

If you want to search with "LIKE" you need to create like disjunction with the following code:

final Predicate likeSearch = cb.disjunction();

After that, let's assume u have jsonb field in your object which is address, and address has 5 fields. To search in all these fields you need to add "LIKE" expression for all fields:

for (String field : ADDRESS_SEARCH_FIELDS) {
                likeSearch.getExpressions().add(cb.like(cb.lower(cb.function("json_extract_path_text", String.class,
                        root.get("address"), cb.literal(field))), %searchKey%));

Where cb is the same criteriaBuilder. %searchKey% is what you want to search in address fields.

Hope this helps.

Arman Tumanyan
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If the operator is being converted to a question mark for one reason or another, then you should try using the function instead. You can find the corresponding function using \doS+ #>> in the psql console. It tells us the function called is jsonb_extract_path_text. This would make your query:

@Query(value = "SELECT t.* " +
        "FROM my_table t " +
        "WHERE t.field_1 = ?1 " +
        "AND t.field_2 = 1 " +
        "AND t.field_3 IN ?2 " +
        "AND jsonb_extract_path_text(t.jsonb_field, '{key,subkey}') = ?3",
        nativeQuery = true)
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  • I think i'm getting closer. Apparently IN clauses on list parameters is not allowed with native queries. Is it possible to do jsonb operations using jpa/jpql without a native query? – Josh C. May 11 '17 at 19:35
  • Huh? They work with native queries in Hibernate. Are you using EclipseLink or one of the less popular implementations? Anyway, in Postgres the expression `field IN (val1,val2)` is transformed into it's equivalent `field = ANY('{val1,val1}')`. If you pass it as an array to `field = ANY ( ? )` with the parentheses it works just the same. The equivalent for `NOT IN` is `field <> ALL( ? )`. This of course forces you to create the string representation of the array by yourself, making sure you escape any strings properly. – coladict May 11 '17 at 20:57
  • Yes, we are using Eclipselink. I'm not sure why that's preferred over Hibernate. What would you recommend? In any case, once I changed to `jsonb_extract_path_text`, the query failed with a new exception. When I googled for the exception I found http://stackoverflow.com/a/6279110/918608 and http://stackoverflow.com/a/41564377/918608. It seems I must have a constant number of values in my list, and I must enumerate them in my native query. Is that not the case? – Josh C. May 12 '17 at 00:56
  • This is very ugly :-), it would be good to see similar @Document annotation as we have when working with JSON in MongoDB with Spring Data. This actually really significantly have impact on building quickly REST API via Spring Data Rest. – kensai Aug 31 '17 at 10:42

I suggest not following this way, I prefer to follow generic CRUD way (also working on advanced auto generated DAO methods in way of StrongLoop Loopback does, for Spring Data Rest maven plugin, but it is experimental in the moment only). But with this JSON, now what to do... I am looking for something similar to MongoDB JSON processing in Spring Data via @Document annotation, however this is not yet available. But there are other ways :-)

In general it is about implementing your JSON user type (UserType interface):

public class YourJSONBType implements UserType {

Finally you need to enhance your JPA classes with specification of your implemented user type:

@TypeDef(name = "JsonbType", typeClass = YourJSONBType.class)
public class Person {
    private Long id;

    @Column(columnDefinition = "jsonb")
    @Type(type = "JsonbType")
    private Map<String,Object> info;

look at another related articles here: Mapping PostgreSQL JSON column to Hibernate value type

The full implementation example is available here:

Similar, but little different example is available here: http://www.wisely.top/2017/06/27/spring-data-jpa-postgresql-jsonb/?d=1

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You can also use the FUNC JPQL keywork for calling custom functions and not use a native query.
Something like this,

@Query(value = "SELECT t FROM my_table t "
        + "WHERE t.field_1=:field_1 AND t.field_2=1 AND t.field_3 IN :field_3 "
        + "AND FUNC('jsonb_extract_path_text', 'key', 'subkey')=:value")
List<Entity> getEntities(@Param("field_1") String field_1, @Param("field_3") Collection<Integer> field_3, @Param("value") String value);
Yohan Liyanage
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George Siggouroglou
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  • Why does it matter that you are not using a native query anymore if you are relying on proprietary `jsonb_extract_path_text` function? – mvd Jan 31 '20 at 20:34