I try to trigger a SequentialAnimation on a given Item of a ListView.

For example:

ApplicationWindow {
    id: window
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    ListModel {
        id: modelList
        ListElement {}
        ListElement {}
        ListElement {}

    ListView {
        width: window.width
        height: window.height

        model: modelList
        delegate: Rectangle {
            width: window.width
            height: window.height/10
            color: "red"
            radius : 10
            SequentialAnimation on color { //Should be only triggered when button clicked
                ColorAnimation { to: "yellow"; duration: 1000 }
                ColorAnimation { to: "red"; duration: 1000 }

            Button {
                text: "trigger animation"
                    right: parent.right
                    top: parent.top
                    bottom: parent.bottom
                    margins: 10

                onClicked: {
                    //Trigger SequentialAnimation

I try to trigger the Animation when you click on the button but I don't know how to use a condition on an Animation. How could I proceed ?

Ed Nio
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1 Answers1


Use animation on property only if you want changes to be automatically animated.

In your case you need to remove the on color part, then give the animation an id: yourAnimation, and on the button click yourAnimation.start()

Actually, it seems that on color is also possible, skipping setting the target:

SequentialAnimation on color {
  id: yourAnimation
  ColorAnimation { to: "yellow"; duration: 1000 }
  ColorAnimation { to: "red"; duration: 1000 }
  running: false
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  • Thanks it works ! I also have to add `target: myItem; property: "color";` in `ColorAnimation` – Ed Nio May 10 '17 at 12:11
  • @dtech Could you please help me with the following : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43918657/how-to-smoothly-load-lines-with-customized-scrollbar-event-in-qt – Sumeet May 11 '17 at 16:42
  • @dtech Any help would be deeply appreciated. – Sumeet May 11 '17 at 16:42