I want to program this function from C to Python but the condition on the return is hard to convert:

In C:

int pos(int b) {
    char *r = strchr(a, b);
    return r?(r - a):-1;

Here what I tried:

def pos(b) :
    r = alphabet[a.rfind(b):]
    return r if (r - len(a)) else -1

The r variable is the same but the problem is the ternary operator. So of course, it doesn't do the same work :/ Can you help me?

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2 Answers2


The Python ternary operator goes in a different order than the C ternary operator. The C ternary operator is in the form:

condition ? expr_if_true : expr_if_false

Whereas the Python version of this is in the form:

expr_if_true if condition else expr_if_false
return r?(r - a):-1;

Is the same as

if (r != NULL) return r - a;
else           return -1;
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