Hi I am trying to build and deploy a web application using team city and web deploy. I got it all working the way i wanted it on my dev machine with visual studio 2015, however when trying to set it up on a server windows server i keep getting the build error :-

MSB4057: The target "WebPublish" does not exist in the project

I have installed MSBuild tools 2015 and also Visual Studio isolated shell 2015.

what are the other things i need to install to get this to work when installing visual studio is not an option ?

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1 Answers1


I ran into this exact same problem today. In case anyone else reads this post and has the same error, there are several solutions posted on the following stack overflow question

The thing that fixed it for me was copying "Web" and "Web Applications" folders found in the MSBuild directory for the version of visual studio that matched what I built my project in, over to the build server (keeping the same path).

In my case this was

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0