I have Angular2/Typescript website. I am using PrimeNG frameowrk for CSS. In my site I have jQuery full calendar. What I want to achive is when event is clicked - modal appears.

In AfterViewInit interface method I have created fullClendar object as below:

   //..some properties
   eventClick: function (calEvent) {
                this.display = true;


display is field on this component class. When display is set to true modal should appear - setting it to true doesnt show modal.

However I have button in the same page which has onClick handler

public showDialog() {
        this.display = true;

Clicking the button show the modal.

There is HTML

<div class="ui-g dashboard" style="margin-top: -18px">

  <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-12">
    <div class="card">
      <div id="calendar"></div>
<p-dialog header="Godfather I" [(visible)]="display" modal="modal" width="300" responsive="true">
    <div class="ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix">
      <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-close" (click)="display=false" label="No"></button>
      <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-check" (click)="display=false" label="Yes"></button>
<button type="text" (click)="showDialog()" pButton icon="fa-external-link-square" label="Show"></button>

What is the problem ?

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  • What do you expect `this` to refer to? The click handler is called without a `this` binding, so it will be the global object (`window`) in sloppy mode, or `undefined` in strict mode. – trincot Apr 30 '17 at 19:47
  • ajaja thats right, forgot about that !!! – miechooy Apr 30 '17 at 21:07

1 Answers1


Jquery most likely sets the element with id #calendar as this.

You can use an arrow function instead to make keep the same context.

  //..some properties
  eventClick: (calEvent) => {
    this.display = true;

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  • Afff thats right simply forgot abotut jQuery this keyword! – miechooy Apr 30 '17 at 21:07
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    there's no special jquery this keyword, it's javascript you may want to read more about it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127429/how-does-the-this-keyword-work – toskv Apr 30 '17 at 21:16