Basically, we know ElastiCache in AWS is using either MemCached or Redis. We picked up Redis, and found a module potentially useful for us. Is there a way we can install the module to our ElastiCache instance?

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2 Answers2


Since elasticache is a managed service, you can't access the actual redis server to install/load modules. You can only connect to it through clients to run redis commands. The AWS Elasticache documentation does not mention any support for modules. So, it looks like it isn't possible. You'll have to use EC2 instance to run your own redis server to use modules till Amazon adds support for modules in elasticache.

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    Note: Redis modules are a v4 feature, and v4 has yet to be officially released. Once it is, I expect we'll see at least some Redis-as-a-Service providers support the new version in general, and modules specifically. – Itamar Haber Apr 29 '17 at 11:29
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    I think AWS cannot directly support redis modules on Elasticcache due to open source license changed by Redis Labs. https://redislabs.com/blog/redis-labs-modules-license-changes/ – Kharthigeyan Jul 26 '19 at 17:33

Any updates on this topic? Within AWS elasticache-redis. Interested in redisearch module. I tired to follow the link via redis-cli. No luck on getting redisearch.so


From redis-cli:> MODULE load redisearch.so OPT1 OPT2
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