Say I run a container adding a capability, e.g. --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN

Is there a way to find out that this container has been assigned the SYS_ADMIN capability?

docker-inspect doesn't seem to return such information.

Marcello Romani
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2 Answers2


You already answered your question, but to add another option: you might want to find the currently effective capabilities, regardless of which ones you have manually configured. https://github.com/riyazdf/dockercon-workshop/tree/master/capabilities mentions some utilities, which you would need to install inside the container. Example:

docker run --rm -it alpine sh -c 'apk add -U libcap; capsh --print'
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    On ubuntu-based distributions (on mine at least, based on Ubu 16.04) the package is `libcap2-bin` The command remains `capsh --print` of course :) Thanks, useful one! – Marcello Romani Apr 25 '17 at 23:07

Ok, it is indeed true that posting a question on SO is often enough to find the answer for yourself.

docker-inspect <container_id>


"CapAdd": [
"CapDrop": null,

Marcello Romani
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    Following Macello's, use Go Template formatter: `docker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.CapAdd}}' container_id`, `docker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.CapDrop}}' container_id` – Quar Sep 24 '20 at 19:27