I have created a program to send email with attachment. First I create it without ajax. Then it worked properly. But when I used jquery ajax for it not work. When I click apply button nothing happen. My code is below.

<form action="sendemail.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
                <h1 class="cta-title">Its a Call To Action</h1>
                <div class="cta-desc">
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['catogary'];?>' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['company_name'];?>' readonly style="width:    75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['location'];?>' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['qulification'];?>' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['catogary'];?>' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['indate'];?>' readonly style="width: 37.5%">&nbsp;
                    <input type="text" value='<?= $row['expdate'];?>' readonly style="width: 37.5%"><br>
                    <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value='<?= $row['email'];?>'><br>
                    <input type="file" name="uploaded_file" id="uploaded_file" class="text-center center-block well well-sm">
                    <input type="button" id="btn" name="btn" class="btn btn-primary" value="Apply">
                        $('#btn').click(function () {
                                success:function (data) {
                                    return false;


    $mail = new PHPMailer;
    $mail->IsSMTP(); // enable SMTP
    $mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // debugging: 1 = errors and messages, 2 = messages only
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // authentication enabled
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // secure transfer enabled REQUIRED for Gmail
$mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
$mail->Port = 465; // or 587
$mail->Username = "getinternshipuwu@gmail.com";
$mail->Password = "uwucst14xxxx";
$mail->FromName = "Internship Management";

$mail->addReplyTo("getinternshipuwu@gmail.com", "Reply");


$mail->Subject = 'CV for internship Vacancy';
$mail->Body =  "Attached";
if (isset($_FILES['uploaded_file']) && $_FILES['uploaded_file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {


    echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;

    echo 'Successfully Applied for vacancy';
Mahendra Gunawardena
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  • [Have you watched the AJAX request / response in the browser's developer tools? Have you included the jQuery library in the project? Are there any errors reported? Are you running this on a web-server?](http://jayblanchard.net/basics_of_jquery_ajax.html) – Jay Blanchard Apr 25 '17 at 20:35
  • yes i was running this.nothing happen.but before using ajax this was run well.yes.jquery library was used and no error report. – Danith Kumarasinghe Apr 25 '17 at 20:36
  • Change Apply button type to submit – Rotimi Apr 25 '17 at 20:40
  • You should use `FormData` object to upload files via ajax. Currently `$_FILES['uploaded_file']` is empty. Check: http://stackoverflow.com/a/21045034/4471134 – Alexey Chuhrov Apr 25 '17 at 21:18

1 Answers1


Here is my implementation. I change some attributes. But note the important that i change for my purposes the ssl to tls and to 587.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script>



    <form onsubmit="return submitForm();" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fileinfo"  id="fileinfo" >
                <h1 class="cta-title">Its a Call To Action</h1>
                <div class="cta-desc">
                    <input type="text" value='a' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='b' readonly style="width:    75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='c' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='d' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='e' readonly style="width: 75%"><br><br>
                    <input type="text" value='f' readonly style="width: 37.5%">&nbsp;
                    <input type="text" value='g' readonly style="width: 37.5%"><br>
                    <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value='iordanhs92@hotmail.com'><br>
                    <input type="file" name="files" id="files" class="text-center center-block well well-sm">
                    <input type="submit" id="btn" name="btn" class="btn btn-primary" value="Apply">
                       function submitForm() {

                        console.log("submit event");

                        var fd = new FormData(document.getElementById("fileinfo"));
                        fd.append("label", "WEBUPLOAD");

                          url: "mailattach.php",
                          type: "POST",
                          data: fd,
                          processData: false,  // tell jQuery not to process the data
                          contentType: false   // tell jQuery not to set contentType
                        }).done(function( data ) {
                                console.log("PHP Output:");
                                console.log( data );
                            return false;


So,in php too,i changed the upload_file to files. The php code in mailattach is the same as that you provided

  • provide error messages. Also if you are running under non-https connections. change ssl to tls and the port to 587 . Test it with gmail , but you must logged in the gmail account and change the permission for sending emails under "unsecured" connection – Jordan Georgiadis Apr 26 '17 at 14:35