I decided I'd look at how youtube is doing what they're doing , and I found it odd that I couldn't access videos directly and instead have to go through their website to get access.

It seemed quite strange, when I noticed that youtube is using the normal video tag. but , the problem was that it's src was something with a BLOB. would somebody please explain to me why I can only use BLOBs in the current session, and more accurately - what is the process that is being performed where , how and by whom?(is it the browser or the server that allow this kind of one timed communication , or both , and if how so?).

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1 Answers1


A Blob URL exists for the lifetime of the document which created the Blob; or, if Blob.prototype.close() is defined, until blobInstance.close() is called on the Blob instance; or URL.revokeObjectURL() is called on a Blob URL referencing an underlying Blob instance.

8.6. Lifetime of Blob URLs

A global object which exposes URL.[createObjectURL()][2] must maintain a *Blob URL Store* which is a list of Blob URLs created by the URL.createObjectURL() method, and the Blob resource that each refers to.

When this specification says to add an entry to the Blob URL Store for a Blob URL and a Blob input, the user-agent must add the Blob URL and a reference to the Blob it refers to to the Blob URL Store.

When this specification says to remove an entry from the Blob URL Store for a given Blob URL or for a given Blob, user agents must remove the Blob URL and the Blob it refers to from the Blob URL Store. Subsequent attempts to dereference this URL must result in a network error.

This specification adds an additional unloading document cleanup step: user agents must remove all Blob URLs from the Blob URL Store within that document.

See also

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