I'm using async/await throughout my codebase. Because of this my api calls are defined by async functions

async function apiFetchFoo {
  return await apiCall(...);

I would like to call this function from my saga code. It seems like I can not do this:

// Doesn't work
function* fetchFoo(action) {
  const results = await apiFetchFoo();
  yield put({type: "FOOS_FETCHED_SUCCESSFULLY", foos: results});

However, this does work, and matches the redux saga documentation:

// Does work
function* fetchFoo(action) {
  const results = yield call(apiFetchFoo);
  yield put({type: "FOOS_FETCHED_SUCCESSFULLY", foos: results});

Is this the correct way to use Redux Saga alongside async/await? It is standard to use this generator syntax inside of the saga code, and the async/await pattern elsewhere?

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    Curious, in async/await pattern why are you using `function *() { ... await }` instead of `async function () { .. await ...}`? I'm pretty sure if you use await without async it leads to an error "await is a reserved javascript keyword". – ArchNoob Jun 27 '17 at 16:31
  • Small side note: if you're using TypeScript and typedefs and you define the function as an asynchronous function like so: `async function* fetchFoo(action: requestAction): AsyncGenerator {`, you need to include `"es2018.asynciterable"` to your tsconfig's `compilerOptions.lib` array if you haven't already. Also, I needed TypeScript 3.7 (from 3.0). – Derk Jan Speelman Jan 15 '20 at 11:33

3 Answers3


Yes, that's the standard way to use Redux-Saga.

You should never be calling the await function directly inside the saga-generator, because redux-saga is for orchestrating the side-effects. Therefore, any time that you want to run a side-effect you should do it by yielding the side-effect through a redux-saga effect (usually: call or fork). If you do it directly without yielding it through a redux-saga effect, then redux-saga won't be able to orchestrate the side-effect.

If you think about it, the redux-saga generator is completely testable without the need of mocking anything. Also, it helps to keep things decoupled: if your apiFetchFoo returned a promise, the saga would still work the same.

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  • Can you include any links to documentation or github issues where this is discussed? What if there was a situation where the OP wanted to `await` a Promise that had no side effects? It seems like it would be a valid use case for async generators, but it doesn't seem like Redux-Saga allows for them. – modulitos Mar 13 '18 at 01:40
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    @modulitos sure! https://redux-saga.js.org/ I am afraid that you don't quite understand what redux-saga is about. A redux-saga generator is meant for orchestrating side-effects. If you want to do something like what you are mentioning, then you shouldn't do it in a redux-saga generator... You could do it in a normal generator -if you want- or in another promise, it doesn't matter... and then just yield a `call` effect inside the redux-saga generator that calls that promise/generator/whatever. – Josep Mar 15 '18 at 03:52
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    Ah yes, that makes sense! I think I was misunderstanding the boundaries of a redux-saga generator, and was trying to make it do more than it should. Instead, I should await the "no side-effect" promise in the entity that is being yielded into the saga generator. – modulitos Mar 16 '18 at 07:39
  • Just for reference (may help others), here is good explanation from `react-saga` documentation of why we should not invoke asynchronous functions directly in saga: https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/basics/DeclarativeEffects.html. As per this documentation, saga should yield effects to saga middleware and saga middleware will execute the effect and will hand over the result back to saga. Effects are simple JS objects telling middleware, what to do. This whole idea of yielding effects to saga middleware make unit-testing of saga simple, without mocking async things like API calls. – Gaurav Dhiman Apr 09 '18 at 07:42
  • Lovely: **the redux-saga generator is completely testable without the need of mocking anything** – AmerllicA Mar 01 '20 at 05:11

As pointed out by Josep, await cannot be used inside a generator. Instead you need to use an async function. Also, note this is a limitation of async function itself. It is not imposed by redux-saga.

Beyond this, I also wanted to mention that it is a conscious choice by the redux-saga authors to not allow devs to express sagas as async/await functions.

Generators are more powerful than async/await and they allow advanced features of redux-saga like co-ordinating parallel tasks.

Moreover, expressing sagas as generators help us define Effects which are plain objects defining the side effect. Effects makes it very easy to test our sagas.

So, although your working code is fine, maybe not mixing up sagas and async function is a good idea.

Just define your apiFetchFoo to return a promise which resolves with the response to the request. And when this happens your saga will resume with the results.

 const apiFetchFoo = () =>
     .then(res => res.json())
Arijit Bhattacharya
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await always work within a function that's declared as async. #thumbRule

async function fetchList () {
  let resp = await fetchApi([params]);
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