I want implement a web-service which consumes only one named parameter in request-payload. In curl view it should be smth like: curl -X PATCH myurl.net/my_service -d "{mySingleParameter: 49}"

I'm trying to do it with Spring, but I wondered that to map such payload to my method I must to declare a new class. Like:

public static class PayloadWithSingleParamMSP{
  public Long mySingleParameter;

@RequestMapping(value = "my_service", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
public String myService(@RequestBody PayloadWithSingleParamMSP payload){
  Long valueWhichIReallyNeed = payload.mySingleParameter;
  //do job

But is there a way to take value which I really need (mySingleParameter) directly?

Ivan Zelenskyy
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1 Answers1


You have couple options:

    @RequestMapping(value = "my_service", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
    public String myService(@RequestBody ObjectNode payload){
        Long valueWhichIReallyNeed = payload.get("mySingleParameter").asLong();
        //do job


@RequestMapping(value = "my_service", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
public String myService(@RequestBody Map<String, String> payload){
    Long valueWhichIReallyNeed = Long.parseLong(payload.get("mySingleParameter"));
    //do job

or even

@RequestMapping(value = "my_service", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
public String myService(@RequestBody  Long mySingleParameter){
    Long valueWhichIReallyNeed = mySingleParameter;
    //do job
    //  ...

but in this last case your curl will look following:

curl -X PATCH myurl.net/my_service -d "49" 

In answers for this question you can find more options: Passing multiple variables in @RequestBody to a Spring MVC controller using Ajax

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