In the db (mariadb) I have a view defined as a select of data coming from the join of several tables:

    CREATE VIEW `obiettivideco` AS 
      `codici`.`id` AS  `idc`,
      `codici`.`codice` AS `codice`,
      `codici`.`sub` AS `sub`,
      `codici`.`descrizione` AS `descrizionec`,
      `eo`.`id` AS `ide`,
      `eo`.`Descrizione` AS `descrizionee`,
      `obiettivi`.`id` AS `ido`,
      `obiettivi`.`inizio` AS `inizio`,
      `obiettivi`.`fine` AS `fine`,
      `obiettivi`.`valore` AS `valore` 
    FROM (
      (`obiettivi` JOIN `eo` 
      ON((`obiettivi`.`eo` = `eo`.`id`))) JOIN `codici` 
      ON((`obiettivi`.`codice` = `codici`.`id`))

Above that layer I generated entities from tables (and from the view as well) in order to have the Model of the MVC pattern. Then in the Controller made with some managed beans I wrote some logic that enables the view (JSF) to show a selection of the above view. When data has to be modified changes are persisted with the help of the tables entities (e.g.


where obiettivo is an object of Class Obiettivi which, in turn, is the entity modelling the obiettivi table. The problem arises if I try to display an update of the obiettivideco selection: jpa cache seems to not be aware that changes in obiettivo will make obiettivideco out of date as well.

I spent a couple of days before I find this answer related to the entitymanager refresh that solved my problem:

    q.setHint(QueryHints.REFRESH, true);
    obiettivideco = (List<Obiettivideco>) q.getResultList();

Becouse of my low reputation I could not upvote that answer so I'm posting this already answered question in the hope that would save someone else headhaches.

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