
I have this string:

"White, Mr. George Voultsios"

And I would like to extract the part between the space and the dot:


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2 Answers2

x<-"White, Mr. George Voultsios"
sub(".* ","",sub("\\..*","",x))
[1] "Mr"
Erdem Akkas
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You could use regular expressions with a lookbehind for the space and a lookahead for the dot:

## The data:    
x <- c("White, Mr. George Voultsios", "LastName, Mrs. Firstname")

Using the base package:

regmatches(x, regexpr("(?<= ).*(?=\\.)", x, perl = TRUE))
# [1] "Mr"  "Mrs"

Using the package stringr:

stringr::str_extract(x, "(?<= ).*(?=\\.)")
# [1] "Mr"  "Mrs"

What the pattern (?<= ).*(?=\\.) does is:

  • look for a position following a space ((?<= ))
  • then capture any number of characters (.*)
  • until you get to a position that is followed by a dot ((?=\\.))
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