
I have the following code

if (isset($_POST['change'])) {
    $current = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['current']);
    $password = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['password']);
    $cpassword = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cpassword']);

    if(strlen($password) < 6) {
        $error = true;
        $password_error = "Password must be minimum of 6 characters";
    if($password != $cpassword) {
        $error = true;
        $cpassword_error = "Password and Confirm Password doesn't match";

    if(mysqli_fetch_field(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['usr_id'] . "' LIMIT 1")) != md5($current)) {
        $error = true;
        $confirm_error = "Your actual password is not correct";

The problem is here:

mysqli_fetch_field(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['usr_id'] . "' LIMIT 1"))

It gives me the error

PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /.../password.php on line 27

I have tried with

mysql_result(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['usr_id'] . "' LIMIT 1"), 0)

but it not works, it gives me

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_result() in /.../password.php:27

I don't want to use mysqli_fetch_array() and a while loop. I have searched for a function or something similar and i have found something but nothing worked for me.

Jay Blanchard
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    `mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['password'])` you know that that stands to backfire. – Funk Forty Niner Apr 03 '17 at 14:44
  • It may have nothing to do with `mysqli_fetch_field`. Dump `$_SESSION['usr_id']`, and separate your mysqli_query and mysqli_fetch_field statements. And of course mysql_result won't work, it's not a mysqli function. – aynber Apr 03 '17 at 14:44
  • `I don't want to use mysqli_fetch_array() and a while loop.` .... why? – Jonnix Apr 03 '17 at 14:45
  • Your code is unsafe to use; especially the password function you're using `md5($current)`. Do **not** put this online. I'd call this a "blessing in disguise" that your code failed. – Funk Forty Niner Apr 03 '17 at 14:45
  • `mysqli_fetch_field` gets info about the column not getting the value! Since you are using the procudual version of mysqli why not create an function you need (where mysqli_fetch_array is used) like `function getFieldFromQuery($query,$fieldname,$con);` – JustOnUnderMillions Apr 03 '17 at 14:45
  • *"I have tried with mysql_result(mysqli_query($con...."* - That's because you can't mix different mysql apis. And Lord only knows which api is used to connect with and what the origins of the POST arrays are. I feel you should abandon this code and start fresh with a prepared statement and `password_hash()` / `password_verify()`. There are a lot of good/better/safer scripts out there. – Funk Forty Niner Apr 03 '17 at 14:47
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    Make sure you ***[don't escape passwords](http://stackoverflow.com/q/36628418/1011527)*** or use any other cleansing mechanism on them before hashing. Doing so *changes* the password and causes unnecessary additional coding. – Jay Blanchard Apr 03 '17 at 14:50

2 Answers2


I dont think this is the best solution for you but base on what you are asking you might want to use mysqli_fetch_assoc.

$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['usr_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);

 if( $row['password']!= md5($current)) {
        $error = true;
        $confirm_error = "Your actual password is not correct";

Mention in the comments below that you should use parameterized query. For users password use password hashing library like http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ OR built in password_hash function in PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7.

To parameterize your current query and avoid possible sql injection attacks try the following code.

$mysqliConnection = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "my_dbname");

/* check connection */
if ($mysqliConnection->connect_errno) {
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqliConnection->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqliConnection->connect_error;

$sql = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1";
$stmt = $mysqliConnection->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("i", $_SESSION['usr_id']);
$row = $stmt->fetch()

Now you could use $password variable to check the password hashing you have used. I hope this helps.

jameshwart lopez
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  • it looks like i misunderstood the question and got downvoted with out reason. Would you care to explain why so that I could improve? – jameshwart lopez Apr 03 '17 at 14:57
  • If you post an answer without prepared statements [you may want to consider this before posting](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/344703/). Additionally [a more valuable answer comes from showing the OP the right method](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/290789/1011527). – Jay Blanchard Apr 03 '17 at 15:06
  • ***You really shouldn't use [MD5 password hashes](http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/19906/is-md5-considered-insecure)*** and you really should use PHP's [built-in functions](http://jayblanchard.net/proper_password_hashing_with_PHP.html) to handle password security. Make sure you [don't escape passwords](http://stackoverflow.com/q/36628418/1011527) or use any other cleansing mechanism on them before hashing. Doing so *changes* the password and causes unnecessary additional coding. – Jay Blanchard Apr 03 '17 at 15:06
  • Anyone who downvotes *has* a reason, they may not chose to comment. The question of comments + downvotes has been discussed ad nauseum on Meta. Many folks just choose to DV and move on. Many offer advice. Many try to light the path for newbies. Teaching someone to continue to use outdated methods along with unsafe practices is now more likely to get you downvotes as many have become hyper-aware teach true best practices. – Jay Blanchard Apr 03 '17 at 15:08
  • Hi @JayBlanchard I understand what you mean and for me its better to give comments for downvote so that answers will be improve. I was so focus on helping the op to get what he wants. I should have mention that its not the best answer and avoid non standard coding. Thanks for letting me know will update my answer. – jameshwart lopez Apr 03 '17 at 15:13

You need to read the documentation for mysqli_fetch_field():

Returns the definition of one column of a result set as an object. Call this function repeatedly to retrieve information about all columns in the result set.

This function doesn't return the value in one column of the result set, it returns metadata about that column. Like the column name, the table name, the data type, the max length, etc.

If you capture the field and dump it, you see:

$passhash = mysqli_fetch_field(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = '" . $usr_id . "' LIMIT 1"));


stdClass Object
    [name] => password
    [orgname] => password
    [table] => users
    [orgtable] => users
    [def] => 
    [db] => test
    [catalog] => def
    [max_length] => 32
    [length] => 65535    <-- I used TEXT for the password column 
    [charsetnr] => 8
    [flags] => 16
    [type] => 252
    [decimals] => 0

Notice that it's returned as an object, not a scalar value. So you can't compare it to your md5($current) directly. Nor does it even have the value you're looking for.

Here's how I would write the code you're trying to do:

$sql = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1";
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $sql);
$stmt->bind_param($stmt, "i", $_SESSION['usr_id']);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$match = false;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    if ($row['password'] == md5($current) {
        $match = true;
if (!$match) {
    $error = true;
    $confirm_error = "Your actual password is not correct";

Your other error:

Call to undefined function mysql_result()

The mysql_result() function is deprecated and it has been removed in PHP 7. It wouldn't work together with mysqli_query() anyway, since it's part of a different API, and these two APIs don't mix.

mysqli_result (note the mysqli, not mysql) is the name of a resource class, not a function.

Bill Karwin
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