So I started learning ES6 and modular JS(with Webpack), and now I would like to refactor this old script for the Return to top arrow, and turn it into a ES6 style script with constructor and all. This is what I got for now, but can't figure out how to write conditional statement inside a ScrollTop class..any ideas?

I am trying to write and access the conditional logic somehow, but don't know how to implement $(window).scroll etc. into the class. Do I need a new function that takes care of this..? I want it to work the same, but write it more cleanly.

Old script:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 200) {        
    } else {

$('#return-to-top').click(function() {     
        scrollTop : 0                      
    }, 300);

<a href="#" id="return-to-top"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>

New script:

import $ from 'jquery';

class ScrollTop {
    constructor() {
        this.scrollUp = $("#return-to-top");
        this.topDistance = $("#return-to-top").offset().top;

    events() {

    returnToTop() {
            topDistance: 0                   
        }, 3000);

export default ScrollTop;
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  • When you say `can't figure out how to write conditional statement inside a ScrollTop class`, are you talking about the `$(window).scroll` event's function callback ? – maazadeeb Mar 20 '17 at 10:30
  • Yes, I am trying to write and access the conditional logic somehow, but don't know how to implement $(window).scroll etc. into the class. Do I need a new function that takes care of this..? I want it to work the same, but write it more cleanly – Smithy Mar 20 '17 at 10:38
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    Your old script is ES6 already? And why do you want to introduce multiple instances here? – Bergi Mar 20 '17 at 16:16

2 Answers2


Actually,there is no need to define a class.Maybe you should think about what is object-oriented programming.The following way seems to be enough

import $ from 'jquery';
    let timer;
    $(window).scroll(function() {
        timer = setTimeout(function () {
            if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 200) {
            } else {
        }, 30)


    $('#return-to-top').click(function() {
            scrollTop : 0
        }, 300);

<a href="#" id="return-to-top"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
Deng Xuening
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  • given this is a module (implied by use of `import`), I’m not sure how useful the enclosing block statement is here, as module scope by definition is not global scope — but +1 for suggesting that a class declaration would be pointless overcomplication – Semicolon Mar 21 '17 at 06:24

I feel what you are asking for can be done in many ways and there might be no correct solution. But here is one way

import $ from 'jquery';

class ScrollTop {

    // Accepting a jQuery selector string to make it generic
    constructor(returnToTopSelector) { 
        this._scrollUp = $(returnToTopSelector);
        if (this._scrollUp.length) {
            this._topDistance = this._scrollUp.offset().top;

    setupEvents() {
        if (this._scrollUp.length) {

    _returnToTop() {
            topDistance: 0                   
        }, 3000);

    _fadeArrow() {
        const self = this;
        $(window).scroll(function() {
            if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 200) {
            } else {

export default ScrollTop;

And I would use it this way, wherever required

import ScrollTop from 'ScrollTop'

let scrollTop = new ScrollTop("#return-to-top");

Note the use of an underscore prefix for _returnToTop and _fadeArrow, which is supposed to indicate that these are private methods. Of course, this is just syntactic sugar. See this for more on private properties/methods in ES6

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