I am using the faker.js library to generate random data and I have a couple of factory functions that generate a series of user data:

const createUser = () => {
  return {
    name: faker.name.findName(),
    email: faker.internet.email(),
    address: faker.address.streetAddress(),
    bio: faker.lorem.sentence(),
    image: faker.image.avatar(),

const createUsers = (numUsers = 5) => {
  return Array(numUsers).fill(createUser());

let fakeUsers = createUsers(5);

The problem with this Array.fill approach is that it returns the same data n number of times. I want 5 different users to be returned from my factory.

How do I do this?

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4 Answers4


Array.from allows you to create an array and initialize it with values returned from a callback function in one step:

const createUsers = (numUsers = 5) => {
    return Array.from({length: numUsers}, createUser);
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Create an array with blanks, and then use .map() to create users:

const createUsers = (numUsers = 5) => {
    return Array(numUsers)
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Creating an array via the Array constructor will yield an non mappable (or iterable for that matter) array.

This happens because the constructor will give you an array with X uninitialized values, causing map to fail. Using fill to initialize the values, even if initialized to null or undefined, will work:

const createUser = () => {
  return {
    name: faker.name.findName(),
    email: faker.internet.email(),
    address: faker.address.streetAddress(),
    bio: faker.lorem.sentence(),
    image: faker.image.avatar()

const createUsers = (numUsers = 5) => {
  return new Array(numUsers)

let fakeUsers = createUsers(5)


Gorka Hernandez
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Here is another way of doing this job by a TCO recursive function;

function getFakeObject(){
  return Array(5).fill()
                 .reduce(o => Object.assign(o,{[String.fromCharCode(...Array(5).fill().map(_ => ~~(Math.random()*26)+65))] : String.fromCharCode(...Array(5).fill().map(_ => ~~(Math.random()*26)+97))}),{});

function makeFakeObjectsArray(n, r = []){
 return n ? makeFakeObjectsArray(n-1,(r.push(getFakeObject()),r)) : r;

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