
How can I crop the image such that it will only contain the leaf and not have the noise part? image

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  • Do you have the image processing toolbox? Which MATLAB version are you using? There seems to be a discrepancy between the title of the topic and what you're asking. Do you want to have an image with a smaller size, or will the same size, only keeping the leaf, will do? Is the object you want to keep always the largest? – Dev-iL Mar 17 '17 at 07:00

1 Answers1


If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can do something like this:

  • Morphologically open the image (to remove salt and pepper noise).
  • Convert the image to binary.
  • Detect the largest contiguous area (presumably the object-of-interest).
  • Set all other pixels to an "ignored value" (in this case, 255).
  • "Crop" the original image by means of indexing the bounding box.

function out = q42849445
img = imread('https://i.stack.imgur.com/hTtqz.jpg');
bw = ~imopen(logical(img),strel('disk',10));
stats = regionprops(bw,'Area','SubarrayIdx');
[~,I] = max([stats.Area]);
for ind = setdiff(1:numel(stats),I)
  img(stats(ind).SubarrayIdx{:}) = 255;
out = img(stats(I).SubarrayIdx{:});

The result (using imshow):


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