Scenario :

I have a target website that I need to crawl and take a screenshot of the personal account feed.

Needs :

  1. Login to the website.
  2. Browse to the personal area.
  3. crawl the page.

Code :

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client;

    $client = Client::getInstance();
    $delay = 15; // 5 seconds
    $width  = 1366;
    $height = 768;
    $top    = 0;
    $left   = 0;

    $request  = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest();
    $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();

    $data = array(
    'login' => '***',
    'password' => '***',

    $request->setRequestData($data); // Set post data
    $request->setViewportSize($width, $height);
    $request->setCaptureDimensions($width, $height, $top, $left);

    $client->send($request, $response); 

    $file = fopen("1.txt","a");

Question :

How to browse to the personal page URL without loosing the cookies and the session ?

I have already tried to only change the setUrl another time on the same request, but it's not working.


    $client->send($request, $response);

    $file = fopen("2.txt","a");
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1 Answers1


According to this issue on github , there is still an unfixed problem with cookies. you can follow it.

Cookie and php-phantomjs #124 Open lucl22 opened this issue on Oct 1, 2016 · 3 comments

Or you can use other ways of scrapping if your target webpage doesn't have so much ajax data transmission like:

if you realy need js to be run you can use other web-drivers for php

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morteza kavakebi
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