I'm new to SQL (but have experience in other programming languages) and I'm taking on a side project at work that involves creating a database of our team's financials. Ultimately what I want to do is have this database retrieve data from a specific table in a worksheet and then populate a database table. I'm sure this is possible but how would I go about doing this? I'm currently familiarizing myself with PostgreSQL as I found it to be the most beginner friendly.

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2 Answers2


I am using Dbeaver where i can export the data of any table in to CSV , once i have data in CSV , i can create .sql file back using online http://codebeautify.org/csv-to-sql-converter which then can be executed on any other same db.

Monis Majeed
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This will help get you a cell range exported to CSV: Export sheet from Excel to CSV

Then use this to get the CSV into PostgreSQL: How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

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