im having an issue with TransitionDrawable class in android causing an ANR in strict mode. Here is the method call causing the ANR:

private void crossFadeImages(Drawable imageToFadeOut, Drawable imageToFadeIn) {
    TransitionDrawable td = new TransitionDrawable( new Drawable[] {

i am passing two drawables. the imageToFadeOut has the following specs:

337X599 PNG (32-bit color) 93.85KB

and the imageToFadeIn has the following specs:

337X599 PNG (32-bit color) 395.16KB

and the ANR is being caused in a nexus 5 emulator api 19 xxhdpi. The actual ANR shows up in strict mode mostly.

i get the following log error

"I/Choreographer: Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread."

the method is called from the main thread. How can i resolve this ? Or is there another way to do the cross fading between two images ?

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