I want to make sure no one else is checking out the source codes so that I can make a released installer. So, I want to see 1) the #1 list of users who are checking out a specific file and 2) the #2 list of all checked out files ; but I don't know how to. Please help if you do!


A colleague show me that we can see the list #1 on per user basic by: Source Control - Team Members - Right click a user - Show Pending Changes - Done. This is great but not perfect. Would be lovely to see the whole list of every member.

One more step to follow to see the whole list Modify Query (on the left top corner) and select Display all checked out.

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6 Answers6


Open a Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt (Start->All Programs->MS Visual Studio 2010->VS Tools). Type:

tf status /user:*

This will give you all pending changes for all users in all workspaces.

For a specific file, just type:

tf status /user:* c:\myfile.txt

More info here.

Chris Moutray
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  • How can I get the result printed into a file? – Nam G VU Nov 25 '10 at 09:36
  • Redirect the output. Example: tf status /user:* > c:\test.txt – LeWoody Nov 29 '10 at 13:19
  • +1 Works great, pity though, that TFS doesn't tell you *when* a file was checked out, that sort of thing can matter for larger projects. – Chris O Jun 13 '12 at 19:51
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    @ChrisO: It will tell you when if you ask for detailed output: `/format:detailed`. – Kurt Hutchinson Jul 30 '12 at 15:39
  • @KurtHutchinson - perhap I should RTM ;-) that I might actually learn something. At any rate can you post this great info along with a nice sample command as an answer? – Chris O Jul 30 '12 at 16:03
  • FYI, you can add this as an External tool on VS: *Tools -> External Tools* - add new tool with the following details : Title: *Whatever you want* Command: *%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\tf.exe* Arguments: *status $(ItemPath) /user:* /recursive* Initial Directory: *$(ItemDir)*. Enjoy. (p.s. if you have VS2012, use **VS110COMNTOOLS**) [sample in VS2010](http://i.imgur.com/dO5sL4B.png) – itsho Aug 15 '13 at 14:21

A colleague show me that we can see the list #1 on per user basic by: Source Control - Team Members - Right click a user - Show Pending Changes - Done. This is great but not perfect. Would be lovely to see the whole list of every member.

One more step to follow to see the whole list Modify Query (on the left top corner) and select Display all checked out.

Nam G VU
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    In Source Control Explorer I can see files and who checked out some of them. But I don't see Team Members in Team Explorer. Or where I should see them? And where is Modify Query? I can't find it. – Alexan Nov 30 '12 at 18:24
  • Btw, in Solution Explorer I see icon of human instead of lock before name of file and tooltip: 'Checkout by someone else or in another place'. It would be much better if I could get name of person, who checked out this file in tooltip. – Alexan Nov 30 '12 at 18:32

I think Team Foundation Sidekicks (http://www.attrice.info/cm/tfs/) is much easier then using the command prompt.

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  • I'm not sure that it's "easier" to pay instead using the command line. please see my comment [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4273569/how-to-know-if-a-file-is-checked-out-by-someone-else-in-tfs-2010/4273685#comment26769340_4273685) – itsho Aug 15 '13 at 14:25

#1 Solution

  1. Open Source Control Explorer.
  2. In this explorer browse to the file and select it.
  3. File > Source Control > Find in Source Control > Status...
  4. Don't change anything in this opened window and click Find

#2 Solution

  1. View > Other Windows > Pending Changes
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In Visual Studio, look in the Source Control Explorer (View menu > Other Windows > Source Control Explorer). That will show you who has each file checked out and if they have an exclusive lock on the file.

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  • @Lam: With your suggestion, I guess it is not easy to see a checked-out file which lies under tens of folder - the project would contains tens of folders/subfodlers with hundreds of files for each folder – Nam G VU Nov 25 '10 at 04:14

Goto Views-->Other windows -->pending changes

Andrew Barber
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