Do you know if Huawei P9 lite does support Fingerprint?
Is it possible to use Android 6.0 Fingerprint API or is it supported through some custom proprietary API (Huawei SDK)?

We are evaluating to buy some smartphones and we would like to know how this feature is supported on this specific device.

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  • I don't think fingerprint is available to customize in android, it's one of those things that remain as it is – Luca Nicoletti Mar 09 '17 at 14:44
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    @LucaNicoletti what does that mean? Samsung supports both the scenarios; fingerprint with plain vanilla Android API 6.0 and through proprietary Samsung API (Samsung Pass). – systempuntoout Mar 09 '17 at 14:52
  • Samsung pass use Android 6.0 Fingerprint API to register a fingerprint and save in the same account passwords and else – Luca Nicoletti Mar 09 '17 at 16:25
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    @LucaNicoletti Not all samsung devices support Android 6.0 Fingerprint API, as reported for sample [in this question (S5)](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37935959/android-m-fingerprintmanager-ishardwaredetected-returns-false-on-a-samsung-gal). [PASS is a Samsung proprietary SDK](http://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/pass). I think the meaning of the question is if Huawei P9Lite have some kind of proprietary SDK for fingerprint API like Samsung, or if is his fingerprint scanner are full compliant with Android 6 Fingerprint API. – Frix33 Mar 10 '17 at 07:34

1 Answers1


The P9 and P9-lite both do support fingerprints.

It seems development for the fingerprint scanner seems to run through the standard Marshmallow API. I'm basing that on:

  • No fingerprint hardware SDKs listed by Huawei
  • No fingerprint API listed by Huawei
  • PayPal fingerprint support was only announced when Android Marshmallow Fingerprint API launched
Nick Cardoso
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  • The question is about P9 lite. – systempuntoout Mar 13 '17 at 06:19
  • P9 lite still supports fingerprint and will still use the same api - it would be a waste of resources for huawei to develop a custom api just for their cheapest model – Nick Cardoso Mar 13 '17 at 13:49
  • We tried a P9 with a sample App using Marshmallow 6.0 Fingerprint Api and it worked; we are not sure that P9 Lite will work the same because it's using a different biometric hardware. – systempuntoout Mar 14 '17 at 08:50