I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but the inline if statement always returns true, even if it is not supposed to.

I have the following statement

<?php echo ($total == 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7'; ?>

Just above this statement, I echo $total and that echoes out 0

At the top of the page I define <?php $total = 0; ?>, so $total is defined as an integer.

The above if statement only returns false if $total > 64 but not when total is 0

Thanks in advance

Rickus Harmse
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    @MarkBaker, but there is no nested ternaries in the question – Alex Blex Mar 02 '17 at 09:27
  • Possible duplicate of [How do the PHP equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/80646/how-do-the-php-equality-double-equals-and-identity-triple-equals-comp) – TZHX Mar 02 '17 at 09:44

5 Answers5


It's because 0 == 'Scratched'

 // Strict comparison fixes it
 echo ($total === 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7'; 
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This is working

$total = 0;
echo ($total === 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7';
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Base on your given situation. If I understand it quite well. Your state wont accept it as false if its 0.

The above code should work. But try explicitly adding the not equal zero:

echo ($total === 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65 && $total != 0)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7';

Also added === to make sure the first statement of type string.

Reyan Tropia
  • 130
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Use === to compare $total === 'Scratched' and that will fixed

 <?php echo ($total === 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7'; ?>
Rafiqul Islam
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You can try strict comparison:

<?php echo ($total === 'Scratched' || ($total > 0 && $total < 65)) ? 'ffefef' : 'f7f7f7'; ?>

Because of comparing a numeric variable over a string, the string is evaluated in a numeric context and represents 0.

You can take a look at the folowing post: Comparing String to Integer gives strange results

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