I'm a bit stuck and maybe you others have some good advice on how to go on. We are developing a standard Java EE/Wildfly 10.01 app and would like to create tasks that are persistent and should be executed only once at a certain date. I found a lot examples on how to execute stuff periodically and that JBeret can be used to define reusable Tasks/Jobs but I fail to find any example or document describing a solution for our certain use case. As a side note: we would like to use standard stuff and avoid to use complex additional frameworks/services like Quartz.

I hope someone here can help us out. Thanks in advance, Gerrit.

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1 Answers1


Java EE has a @Scheduled annotation.

There is a deep tutorial for it: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnboy.html

This is by default persistent, but it can be turned off. That's it, nothing else needed :)